Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Bonjour tout la monde!
Yesterday we took the plane to Paris, which wasn't really as long as I was expecting. Unfortunately, I didn't get comfortable enough to sleep much, but I kept myself entertained by trying to read a French magazine I bought in the airport before we left and watching French music videos on the little TV thing in the seat.

When we got here, we met up with the AFS France people and they took us to eat at---MCDONALDS! haha. My first meal in France was a cheese burger, fries, and a coke! That was the only restaurant really in the airport, at least that i noticed, so I'm thinking that's why we went there.

After that, we went to the hostel (i think?) where we are staying until tomorrow. There are many other AFS students here from many, manyyyy other countries! I am rooming with someone from Argentina who only knows Spanish and French (so communication has been a little tricky), New Zeland, and Austria. I've also met people from South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Switzerland, Australia, Iceland, Paraguay, and Columbia. There are a little over 50 of us all together.

Today we took a bus tour of Paris. We drove past Montmontre, L'Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Musee D'Orsee, and many other places. Paris is absolutely gorgeous. The arcitecture of the buildings is stunning. I took quite a few pictures, but am unable to put them up because I'm on the computer at the hostel. I will try to do that as soon as I get a chance, though.

Tomorrow I've got to get up early, because my train leaves at 7h00! I will be taking that to Artois (i think?) where I will meet my host family. From there, they will drive me the rest of the way to my new home in Roclincourt. I'm really, really excited to finally meet them. All this orientation has been getting rather long. I am also quite nervous, though. As I've been listening to people talking in the lobby and on the streets, I've come to realize how limited my French really is. I am going to have a very difficult time understanding everyone for a while. If I can talk that well (and fast) by the end, I will be pretty proud of myself! That will definitely be a ways off, though. I'm also nervous that I won't be what my host family is expecting and that somehow I will disappoint them or something. I want to get as much out of this experience as possible, and am going to try really hard to make that happened, but it will take work on their side, too. I hope things go alright and work out well in the end!

Unfortunately my time has run out and I have to get off.
I'll write soon!


  1. hey sounds like you're having fun so far! sadly, i've lost the piece of paper with your address on it. i'm sure jaedusalo has it, though :)

  2. Hey could you please link my blog? Thanks :D
