Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Monday, July 13, 2009


I just want to let you all know that i got home tonight and everything went well. i cannnot staaaaaaand this keybored since the letters arent in the same spot and it is driving me absolutely insane, so after my french keybored is hooked up tomorrow i will get back on and write about my return. I'm sorry, but i hit the backspace button with almost every word i type and it is way too frustrating to try and write out a couple paragraphs this way.




  1. Hi Miranda,

    I just wanted to tell you that I really really love your blog. I found it about a week ago & I've been reading all of your posts. Boy do you write a lot! (i'm still working on March...)

    Everything is so detailed but still quite interesting. Ah, I forgot to mention: I'm leaving for France with AFS in September!


  2. Oh yeah, and I'm keeping a blog like you! :)

  3. hey girl...

    how are you??
