Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Monday, January 26, 2009

Two Days 'Til Departure.

Hey everyone. With only two days left before I leave, I've been very busy. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. There are so many things to do, and every time I think I'm getting close to finishing my list, I think of something else that needs to be added to it. I also can't decide whether I'm more nervous or excited. Half of me is really going to miss Fargo and South High and my friends & family, while the other half of me is looking forward to getting on the plane and heading into the unknown. I can't wait to meet everyone over there and soak in my new surroundings.

The only real worries I have are-
1)Getting really sick.
2)Being unable to communicate clearly and having other people frustrated with me.
3)Not having any friends when I return to Fargo because they've all moved on without me.

I really hope none of those pose too big of a problem for me while I'm abroad (or when I return). I expect it to be challenging and awkward at first, but I don't want that to last long. I plan to make every attempt possible and to talk about anything I can think of to keep myself from shutting up and being reticent. I know that by the end of my trip I won't want to go home, so I don't want to waste any time at the beginning, if I can help it. I'm just a little worried about getting there and forgetting all my French and how to conjugate things and forgetting tenses and everything important. I know that sounds stupid, but I really am afraid of that happening to some extent.

Well anyway, here is the itinerary: I fly out of Fargo Wednesday morning at around 5, then layover in Minneapolis for about an hour and get to New York around 10:30. Orientation doesn't start until 4, so after I drop my stuff off at the hotel, I think I'm going to go wander around the city a little. Hopefully I won't get lost! Ha ha! At 4PM that same day, everyone from the United States going to France has an orientation at the hotel. We're all going to get the chance to meet each other and discuss what lies ahead. Thursday morning, the group of us flies to Paris, France, where we meet up with all the AFSers from around the world on the same six month program. We have two more days of orientation and then finally, the day comes for all of us to go our seperate ways and meet our host families. I will be taking the TGV north to Arras, where my family will meet me. Then we will drive the rest of the way to Roclincourt. I emailed my host mom, and she told me that I will be going to the school on Monday, I think... I may be wrong and instead just getting a tour on Monday and starting class on Tuesday. We'll have to wait and see, I suppose.

I can't think of much else to say, except for the fact that I will miss every single one of you verrrry much. Do me a favor and stay safe and healthy while I'm gone so I don't have to worry about you:P I'll promise to try and do the same in return. If you'd like my address or phone number, or if you just want to send me an email, you can do so by sending a message to I can't garuntee you'll get an instant reply, but I do promise to answer back as soon as I have a chance.

Au Revoir, tout la monde,
Je vous manquerai!

The rewards of the journey far outweigh the risk of leaving the harbor. -Unknown


  1. I'm glad you sound more excited than afraid in this post, cuz you sounded more afraid this evening. i dont' think you should be scared though... your quote is right!
    as much as i want to keep you here with me, i'm really glad you're going. this is such an amazing opportunity. i wish i could have the chance to do something like this, but oh wells.
    i love you and i won't forget you- i promise! walruses never forget their rhinos! :)

  2. i understand how you feel. it'll be nice to come home to friends though... idk if i'd even want to come home if i only had enemies waiting hahaha.
    you'll have an amazing time, you'll learn a lot, and colleges will be like WOW. and your walrus will be sitting here freezing her tusks off lol
