Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

40 Days

Well today really sucked. I was so tired last night, I failed to hear my alarm when it went off. My host mom woke me up a quarter to seven, and I had a half hour to take a shower and get ready. I did manage to catch the bus, thankfully. When I got to school, I had Latin, and since no one from my class was standing around talking today, I went right up to the hallway outside the Latin room on the second floor. Claire and Florient were there, so I talked with them. Justine showed up a little later and joined the conversation.

In Latin, I wrote the first draft of the introduction to my "yearbook." I tried to explain what it was and what I wanted people to do with it and everything. That took me majority of the class period, and after I finished, I just sat there and listened to the teacher babble on about some commentaire the kids were supposed to do.

After that was French. I copied Sabrina's notes at a relaxed pace, and kind of slept through class. All we did was talk about the extract the entire hour and take notes. Nothing too interesting happened.

Following French was two hours of History. We continued talking about Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. While I really do find that kind of interesting, I was too tired to pay much attention. I got all the notes down, but during the half hour that we watched a movie, I rested my eyes a little. lol.

When history was over, Sabrina and I went to the CDI. I taught her how to use hotmail since she's kind of a newbie, and then we looked at old pictures on my MSN Space. lol. I hadn't been on there since 8th grade, so that was kind of fun.

We had lunch with the girls at 1. I almosttt got chicken nuggets again, but they ran out two people ahead of me. :/ I was forced to take the fish, but that ended up being pretty good.

After lunch, Sabrina and I went to the park by Lycée Robespierre. We layed under a hugee tree and talked and listened to music. My cell phone is out of credit and my host mom took it so that she could try and figure out how to recharge it, so for the time being, I am without my phone. We had to watch the time on my ipod. Sabrina read my introduction page that I wrote in Latin, and she made the corrections. I had a throbbing headache, so I took some tylonal, and then it was time to head back to school. We had another hour of history today since we won't be having class on Thursday. That was pretty exciting. How many of you have gotten the oppertunity to sit through THREE hours of history class in ONE DAY?! I'm sure you're all pretty jealous of that :P! I honestly do like history class, but even two hours at a time gets long.. the third hour (even though there was a nice break) was unbarable. And next week, I can look forward to FOUR hours, since we will have ECJS along with it.

After history, I had another hour of French. It was during this hour that I had a really proud moment. My teacher handed back our DSs from two Saturdays ago, and although I didn't have a note, she told left tons of good comments. She also said, in front of the whole class, that no one mentioned that one of the poems was written with an acrostic style EXCEPT Miranda. Hah. That was a great moment. I got to feel pretty smart in FRENCH class-- and that neverr happens! I also got a "Bien" on my poem that I wrote. I'm actually pretty proud of that, too. When I was taking the DS, I thought I'd end up chosing the commentaire or the disertation, because I didn't think I'd be able to write a poem in French that both used the litterary elements and made sense at the same time. I did, though! And it even rhymed! I'll write it for ya. I have to put it in French or it doesn't sound as good, but you can translate it or something if you want. :)! Also, I know I made a couple mistakes, but oh well.

Il est un ange
Qui aime bien faire le menage.
Après elle nage,
Elle fait le linge,
Et dans sa chambre, elle range.

Il est aussi un singe
Qui fait jamais le menage.
C'est sale, chaque salle,
Et il besoin de les range,
Car sa maison, elle resemble un orage.

And there you go. My beautiful work of French poetry. Some of the stuff is kind of weird, but we had to use different litterary things. 'Ange' and 'Nage' are composed of the same letters, but they are in a different order. Then 'sale' and 'salle' sound the same, but mean different things. And then you have 'linge' and 'singe' that look relatively similar. So that was the hilight of my day.

After school is when it got nasty. I got done at 5, and usually I would hang out with my friends until 6 and catch the bus home, but since I have been feeling worse instead of better, my host mom insisted on taking me back to the doctor. I waited for her outside, and not very many other people were around, so I just stood there by myself. Some kids kept looking at me and talking, and it really didn't bother me, but one girl came up to me and asked me if I was lost because I looked like I didn't know where I was. I told her I was just waiting for my host mom to pick me up. As usual, after I started talking, she heard the accent and started asking me questions about where I was from and all that. When I told her that I've been in France since February, she told me I speak French really well. She told me about Carla (the American that was a student here until mid February) and said that she was supposed to be here all year, but got frustrated and wasn't learning any French, so she left early. I guess she was really shy and only talked to people who spoke English to her because she didn't understand really any French. I'm reallyyy thankful that I didn't end up in the same situation. That would have made this unbarable!

Anyway, my host mom finally showed up and I said goodbye to this girl (I forgot to get her name). She took me to the doctor and we were in and out in about 10 minutes. He listened to me breath and cough again, asked me what was different than last time, and then perscribed me a freaking million things. He never said what I have, but I think I've got a sinus infection along with my ongoing resperatory infection. I have not one, but TWO things I have to squirt up my nose. One of them I have to take twice a day for 2 days, and the other one I have to do twice a day for TEN days. Then I have an inhaler that I'm supposed to do twice a day for a wholee month! It has cortizone in it, so I have to be sure and rinse my mouth out really well afterwards. I dunno what cortizone is, but I'm guessing it's not very good for your teeth.. lol. Then he gave me cough drop things for my throat. And finally, (and worst of alll) I was given antibiotics. I have to take one tablet daily for 5 days. That doesn't sound so bad, but since I can't swallow it, I have to chew the thing. It tastes so effing terrible that I honestly almost puked. The flavor stuck in my mouth through a full glass of grape juice, another glass of water, a slice of bread, and a few bites of pizza. Then the taste was finally gone enough to bare. The only thing that REALLY sucked, was that I'd only taken HALF of the pill; I still had another half to go! This time, my host mom ground it up and shoved it in a glass with some grape juice. It took a while, but I eventually got myself to drink it. It tasted NASTYYY, but I got the flavor out a little faster this time-- I didn't need the slice of bread. hah. Thennnn we loooked in the glass and unfortunately, it didn't dissolve well in the grapejuice, and the chunks of medicine were all at the bottom. I was forced to down that disguisting crap a third time!! Ughh. I have never taken medicine so terribly tasting in my entire life. Never ever. I don't know HOW I am going to get four more of those down. I STILL have the flavor vaguely in my mouth, and I took it a little over an hour ago! ick ick ickk! Not looking forward to taking that again. I haven't yet taken the inhaler, since that can cause you to feel nausiated, and I already get that feeling with the pill. The first nasel stuff was supposed to make my nose run, but it didn't work. My host mom said it's because the stuff is jammed too far up there, and it'll take a while to come down. Great. I am so tired of being sick. I wish I could just get all better really quick so I could enjoy the time I've got left and not feel so tired all the effing time. En plus, I hardly even have timee to catch up on sleep. errg. Well, if I can make it through this week and next, I'll be able to sleep in. :)

As for all of you, I hope finals are going well!
Happy End of the School Year!

à demain!

Word of the Day: Reposer - to relax, take it easy.

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