After hitoire/géo, I had my first hour of French for the day. All everyone did was organize their binders some more and get texts together for the Bac Blanc Orale next week. I talked with Sabrina for a while, since she was finished, but then she went to help someone else, so I entertained myself with a pen and paper for the rest of the hour.
Math started out with nothing of intrest (finishing going over the DM), so I found some fun stuff on my calculator to play with. lol. Then we took some notes on "Algebraic equasions with two variables." The example was: x+y=10; with what numbers could one replace x and y? haha. We had a little story problem, too, but there wasn't enough time to solve it before class ended. Zut! :P
In Anglais Complementaire today, Alice started off with a little vocab oral. She did really good on that, and the class gave her a 19.5 (yeah, the class decided her grade). Then we had to do another worksheet on this cartoon:

Only, when we looked at it, the caption below was way off to the side and it wasn't in italics or anything, so it wasn't overly clear that the guy changing the tire was saying it. No one in my class got that, but my teacher insisted that it was easy! There were quotation marks, so that obviously means someone had to be talking! When the class argued it further, he did what he always does and asked me, "Miranda, it's clear that the man is talking, is it not?" I said that I thought it was the author, but he misunderstood me and thought I said 'father.' Everyone argued a little more and then I said that if the father was the one talking, he needed a speech bubble. My teacher (who is always right) said no. You can have cartoons where the speech is at the bottom of the page or at the side or on top or wherever you want. I've seen it on top and bottom before, but I've never seen it off to the side.. and if it's seperate from the character, it's still outlined in a bubble-like box! It's not completely on its own floating around on the side of the paper. Whatever. Sabrina put her two cents into the 'discussion' and my teacher turns to me, "Sabrina is often complaining, yes?" I looked at him with a 'wow. I can't believe you just said that' expression, and said, "Umm No..." Then he goes, "I say that now a little because she complains now a little" or something weird like that. Then the arguement struck back up and lasted right up to the end of class. But since he is always right, he still didn't give in. That'll be a wrong answer for anyone who wrote it.
Mkay. I'm done ranting, sorry. After that class was over, Marion, Sabrina, and I ate lunch. Virginie and Laureen had already finished class for the day, so they went to McDonalds and then I dunno, home maybe? After lunch, Marion had class, so Sabrina and I went to the CDI. She worked on her French thing and since I already turned mine in on Tuesday, I killed some time on the computer. I Google Earth'd Fargo again. And I went to the school webpage to see what's new. My daily planner login doesn't work, lol. I tried that once! :P. Hopefully you all had fun at Spiritacular today. :)! I saw that was on there. Then I checked my email and BS'd around.
Our break ended at 4, when it was time for 2 hours of French. The teacher talked for a while at the beginning, but then we had a little over an hour to work on our binders again. I talked with Sabrina some, and then I flipped through the pages of my binder a million times. My teacher came over to me and asked me if I wanted to try taking the Bac Blanc Orale. She said she would add me to her list if I wanted (everyone presents in front of a French teacher, but it's not necessarily the same one you have for class). I of course said yes, and I will be taking my Bac Blanc Orale on Tuesday, May 19 at 11h15 with Mme Dejegheare (sp?) in room 60. I have to bring my binder full of clean, organized texts and the teacher will pick one out for me to present and give me a 'problematique.' I get 30 minutes to write up a commentaire and answer the 'problematique' supported with examples from the text. Then I have 20 minutes to talk. Ten of those minutes will be spent presenting my commentaire and during the other 10, my teacher will ask me questions on 'complementary texts' that go along with the one my commentaire is on. That might not be a hundred percent correct, but that's what I understood. I will let you know exactly what happens next Tuesday after I've taken it.
After school, it was raining really hard. It rains quite frequently here, actually. I've never really mentioned that before. I've noticed we usually get one week of nasty rainy weather and then the next week is sunny and hot. So if that holds true, next week should be nice :)! Anyway, I came home, ate a snack, and got online. We're going to be eating supper shortly, so I'ma get off.
I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Expression of the Day: Il pleut comme une vache qui pisse! = It's raining really hard.
ReplyDeletenice translation ^^