Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Today Is The Day

I finally got my photos on the computer and on photobucket. Actually, Thomas did that for me on Monday, but I didn't have a chance to get them on blogger until today! They are down on the bottom of the page below my posts. That isn't even close to all of them, but it took me a million years to get those on here, so you're going to have to settle with them for now.

Today is also the day I sent out my mail. Those of you who gave me your address before I left will be getting a postcard (or a letter) within the next week or so. If you don't get one and you want one, send me your address because I don't have it.

I didn't do a whole lot today. I got up, ate breakfast, and then Pierre and I listened to music. He tried to teach me how to dance to some strange song, but I really suck at dancing. haha. After lunch, Pierre took a nap and I went up to my room and addressed envelopes and stuff. Then I tried to fix up my coat a little. Two buttons were coming undone, so I asked my host mom for some thread and a needle. She ended up sewing for me! There was only time to do one, though, because Pierre had to go to the Kiné. We dropped him off and then drove past a farm which supposedly had some homeless people hiding out in it. I dunno, it's kind of a complicated story and I don't even know if I understood correctly. What I got was that there were some people who wanted to go to England, so they paid a truck driver a lott of money to have him take them. The guy dumped them off a little ways out of town and drove off with their money. The 22 people took shelter at this farm and refused to leave, so my host mom, the mayor, was called. When we drove by, we only saw one person. Actually, my host mom saw him, I missed it.

After that little adventure, we picked up Pierre and I mailed my letters & postcards. Then Pierre and I walked over to Pierre-Antoine's place, but he wasn't home. We returned here and ate a snack in front of the TV. I got sick of trying to understand what was going on, so I decided to take a break and get online. Haha. I don't have the attention span to watch an entire TV show. Usually I don't get into it much in the first place, so it's hard to follow.

This was kind of a short post, but like I said, there wasn't much going on today. Tomorrow should be good, though! I'm going to play another laser game and then chill out in Arras :D! I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow!

A Demain!

EDIT: Well! My pictures aren't showing up because it says you need to log in to see them, so I'll just link you to the album-

Whatever you are, be a good one! -Abraham Lincoln

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