Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Thursday, April 9, 2009

94 Days.

Today was longggg. At 8:00, we started the Bac Blanc Français. We were given FOUR hours to answer a complex question and then respond to one of 3 topics. I chose the "disertation." Originally I was planning on doing the commentaire (since I've got the format down), but I couldn't comprehend the text it was on, so I did the disertation instead. It was the only topic I (kind of) understood. I managed to fill up one page front and back, plus the front of another! I was really proud of myself, since that's how much the other students usually write for their DS on Saturdays. Then I looked around the room and saw that most people were working on their third or fourth page! I'm still content with what I did get done. I am starting to wonder if I answered the question correctly, though.. I think I may have misunderstood it. Ha. Oh well, some teacher can have a good laugh at my paper while they correct it. :P

After an hour and 20 minutes of waiting, the session was finally over. We had a two hour break for lunch. Everyonee was at the cantine at once, so Sabrina, Virginie, Laureen, and I hung out in the CDI for a while until the crowd died down a bit. After we had finished eating, Sabrina had a headache, so I went with her to the nurse. Then it was time for the "L" (me) and "ES" kids to take the science portion of the Bac Blanc. The "S" trac kids take that one next year. The "ES" people only take the life science portion this year, and we (the "L" kids) took both the physical and life science tests today. We were given an hour and thirty minutes to complete both parts. I responded to all but one question on the biology test, so that went alright. The physical science was another story. haha. I used over half of my time on the biology one, so the physical one was rushed. On top of that, I didn't understand a lot of the material, so that made it even harder. I ended up just guessing and BSing a lot of answers. I didn't finish the whole thing, though. I missed about 5 or 6 questions. :/ It's better than my physical science DS though! haha!

When that was done, we had a half hour (?) break. I went with Gaetane to the 4th floor and bought an Orangina to drink. :)! Then I chatted with Mary, Justine, Jeremy, and Rafaël. We reviewed a little for the math portion, and then break was over. The "L" kids are the only ones who take their math this year. We got an hour and a half to work on the problems. I managed to finish, but I knoww I got a lot wrong. I didn't respond completely to one of them because I had no idea what it was asking, and then there were a few others I didn't have any idea how to do. I just BSed a number and scribbled it down. I don't really care; I hate math. haha.

Our day was finished at 5:30. I talked with Mary, Alice, Joy, Fiona, Julie, and Sabrina until my bus arrived at around 10 after 6. Oranne and Camille rode the bus today, too, so I talked with them for a little bit. When I got home, I ate a snack and then attempted to pack my suitcase a little. That didn't go to well, though. I hardly got anything packed. I'll probably save that until tomorrow just before Thomas comes to get me ;D!

It was Anne's birthday yesterday, but since we didn't get the chance yesterday, we went over tonight to wish her a happy birthday. We drank a little champagne, ate some puffy cracker things, and talked. Mainly we discussed tomorrow and how the weekend is going to play out. I'm going with them to Normandy tomorrow afternoon until Monday. Anne's side of the family is having a reunion there, and we'll be staying in a large cabin together. They invited me along to watch the kids. That said, I don't know if I will have Internet time (or access!), so I probably won't be on for a few days. I'll do a good job writing in my written journal and then type that up for you when I get back. :)!

Bon week-end!
et Jouyeux Paques!

1 comment:

  1. hey!
    wow you took le bac blanc, and you're in L, that sucks lol cus you have way more subjects, i've done S and did pretty bad at the bac français lol!
    it seems you hang out with serious/smart people, they're always studying lol, i don't remember studying that much in high-school...
    well maybe i should have :p
    how old is your host-bro btw?
