Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Monday, April 6, 2009

97 days

Today was decent, I suppose. I got to sleep in until 8:30 today, which was nicee :)! My first class was Anglais Complementaire at 10. We went over that pheonetics worksheet from a couple weeks ago. Hah. I did terrible. My teacher kept reminding me that this was BRITISH English taught in the classroom and my American accent did not work for what we were doing. He kept sayings about people who picked up American accents because they would listen to music or watch TV in English, and that was not what we were learning. He made me say a few words with my accent, and then would repeat it like he already knew. He would tell the class, "Yes, yes. 'WORD HERE' is how you would say it with the American accent." I realized that that is the difference between my two English teachers; one thinks he knows everything and is not willing to admit when he learns something from me and the other one kind of uses me as a helper when she isn't sure about something or has me tell how I would say a certain expression or phrase in American English. She's actually willing to learn from me, and I don't like to seem like I know it all or anything (because I soo do not!), but I like being able to help out like that when I can. It makes me feel kind of smart (and I haven't gotten that feeling a whole lot. haha.)!

After English Comp., I spent an hour in town with Alice, Wendie, and Joy. I ate a "petit pain au chocolat" while they ate lunch. Afterwards, we returned to school for Theatre. Jane and I found a new script today! It's actually a monologue, but my teacher is going to cut it up into two parts so I don't have as much to say (and so I am not alone!). Other than talking, that's really all I accomplished in that class today.

I ate a quick lunch with Marion, Virginie, Sabrina, and Laureen, and then Sabrina and I went to Anglais LV1. First off, we recited one stanza of a poem from memory. It was pretty simple. The first stanza (the one I chose) went like this:

I can change the world
With my own two hands
Make a better place
With my own two hands
Make a kinder place
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands

After that, we got a hand out with a couple poems about growing up. Then weee had to write poems about growing up! haha! I suckk at poetry! Luckily, we got to work with the person next to us, so it wasn't quitee as bad.. lol. Class ended before we finished, though, and it was time forrr--

SVT. That class is not overly exciting. We're still talking about the reproductive system and I'm a little bored with that. I talked with Sabrina a little to pass the time. I don't even remember what it was we talked about, but whatever. It kept me from falling asleep.

After SVT, we had Anglais LV1 again. We finished up our poems and then read them aloud. We voted on our favorite and Valentine & Marion won :)! Their poem was put on the wall. Then we got some more handouts and read through those & did a worksheet. We finished class a little early, so our teacher let us play pictionary. It was in French, so I didn't do wonderful at guessing a lot of the things.. haha. That was fun anyway, though.

The last class of the day was French. I honestly can't tell you much about that class because I didn't really listen today. I drew a little in my binder and talked with Sabrina, Nicolas, and Gaetane. We did get a big handout, though! That had something to do with the thème we wrote at the end of March.

After school, I took the bus home and when I arrived, their was a package waiting for me on the table! It was from my mom, and it had tons of Easter candy and a couple Seventeen magazines that she'd received in the mail for me. I read through those and shared the candy with my family. Then I hung out with Pierre a little before we ate dinner. After dinner, not much has happened. I basically just got myself online.. haha.
I'll write again tomorrowww:)

Bonne soirée!


  1. so what did you draw in french class?
    are you expected to take the "bac français" ?
    oh lucky candies for easter, i miss reises i dont even remember how to spell it, too bad
    have a fun week!

  2. "...arrived, their was a"

    bad bad english!
    tisk tisk

    miss you
