Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lunch With The Family

Yesterday around 12:30, my host mom, Pierre, and I picked up Grandma before heading over to one of the neighboring towns where my older host brother, Thomas, lives. There, we were greeted by Thomas, his wife (Anne), Cathrine (Anne's sister), Anne's mom, and the three kids (Romane, Lou-Marie, and Lilian). I was introduced to the people I hadn't met yet, and they asked me the usual questions like, How long are you staying? When did you arrive? How do you like France? What state are you from? Is it cold? etc.

After a bit of talking, it was time for the "grown ups" to eat, and the kids to go upstairs and play. We were served salad with a really good Italian dressing, bread, and a casserole composed of potatoes, ham, cheese, and onions. It was sooo good! I made room to eat twoo helpings of it! To drink, I got to try a little bit of white wine from Alsace. I'm really not a wine person, so I didn't have more than a sip, but I suppose it was pretty good. I mostly just drank water after that. For dessert we were given chocolate mousse-like cake or apple pie. Since I'd never had either of the two before, I got a little of each, both of which tasted really good :) Let me tell you, I was soooo stuffed full after eating all of that! I don't know how I fit it all in. Then after cleaning up, Anne brought out hot drinks and made me a hot chocolate! I really didn't know if there was room for that, but I felt obligated to drink it, so I did anyway.

I showed the people my photo album and Obama book and all the other crap my host mom had me bring with, to the people who hadn't seen it yet. A little later, Thomas, Anne, the three kids, Catherine, Pierre, my host mom, and I went on a walk through the town. They live near the ruins of an old church, which was reallyyy cool! I got some nice pictures of it, so I will be sure and show you those sometime. I still haven't figured out where the camera hooks up to on this computer.

After walking around for about 30 mins, we returned back to the house. I was offered a hot drink again, but this time turned it down. I seriously have no idea where the French people put it all. They aren't even fat or anything! My host mom's sister, Annick(?) came over shortly after. We talked some more and I looked at some pictures that had recently been developed of the kids. Then I basically did what I normally do, which is sit back and listen to all the French gab and pick out the words and phrases I know. Then I use that to try and make some sense out of the conversation. Although normally they talk to fast and too much for me to catch a whole lot.

There is one pretty good little thing I caught, though! Annick dropped something in her tea and shouted MERDE! She quickly covered her mouth and appologized with all the little kids around. Then she started laughing, and I did slightly, too. When she noticed me, she started laughing even harder saying "She understands! She understands!" Some of the others joined in laughing. I've heard that word a few times, now, and I've come to recognize it as a swear word kind of similar to the English word 'shit,' or at least that's what my best guess is.

We said goodbye around 5:30 and then made our way back to Roclincourt. I watched TV with Pierre a little bit and then my host mom brought in dinner! Ahh! I was still plump full from lunch! Thankfully it was just toast with either cheese or sugar on it. I had one piece of each and a can of Coke. I watched TV a little longer with them before going up to bed.

Today my first class is theatre at noon. I'm really NOTTT excited for that. I suck at acting! And acting out lines in French will be hysterical to watch me try. Ha ha! I wish they would have asked me the classes I wanted instead of looking at my transcript and going from there. I did get myself out of having Gym, thoughhh! That would have been two hours every Monday morning from 8-10. Reallyyy glad I don't have to go through that. I would never take a gym class without getting credit for it--noo way!

After theatre, I have Anglais, some kind of science, and Français. I think there is another class or two in there as well, but I don't remember which ones & my schedule is in my backpack. I know I don't finish school until 6:00 though! :( What a longg day it seems to be. I'll get out of school and the sun will already be setting. It's nice to sleep in on Monday mornings, though :)

I think I've coverd everything of intrest that's happened since my last post, so I'll leave it at that and write again tomorrow!

A Demain!

Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got. -Art Buchwald

1 comment:

  1. wow, youre going to get sick of hot chocolate!!! lol

    hah, thats pretty funny!

    tell us how acting goes.
    you'll have fun with it though.

    i miss you!
