Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Sunday, February 8, 2009

One Week Down

I can't believe I've only been with this family for a week-- and that I've only been away from Fargo a little longer than that! It seems like foreverrr ago since I've been to South and seen all of my friends and my family. It feels like I've been with these people a lot longer than that, too. I've actually already learned quite a bit of French. Granted, I still have a longggg way to go, but at least I'm headed in the right direction. Progress is good.

Now moving on to last night. Simon, Pierre-Antoine, and Antoine picked me up around 9:00. Then we picked up Elise (the girl I met at bingo) and the five of us drove into Arras. There, we went to a café, which would probably be better catagorized as a bar in the States. It had loud music playing, the lighting was really dim, and the atmosphere was just really chill and laid back. There were only a few drinks on the menu that didn't contain alcohol, and Father, you will be reassured to know that I (along with the driverr) just had a Coke. You can relax now. ;) We stayed there until about 11:30, talking and hanging out. I didn't say a whole lot, but I had a greattt time. It was really, really nice to get out and be with people (about) my own age. I feel like I haven't done that in a long time. One thing of intrest I learned is that COLDPLAYYYYYYYYY IS COMING TO ARRAS FOR THE BIG FESTIVAL THING FROM JULY 4 - 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I literally screamed out in excitement when Elise told me that! They all just kind of lauged at me, but seriously I am so pumped! That will be the best way to end my stay! The festival thing sounds like so much fun! And it's right over America's Independence Day, so I can pretend like I still get to celebrate that :)

When I got home around 11:45 or so, my host mom was still up and waiting for me to return. I couldn't get the key she gave me to open the door (ha ha) so she opened it for me. She asked how my night was, and I told her it went well. Exhausted, I then went up to my room and got ready for bed.

This morning I was up and ready at 10 or so. My host mom has a brief meeting at the Mairie, so she recently left for that. When she gets back a little after noon, we will be going to Thomas (her son's) house and having lunch. I don't know if we will be there all day or not, but it should be fun.

I don't really have much else to say, seeing as not a whole lot has happened since last night when I posted, so I'll keep this entry short. ...Or at least short for me. Ha ha! I always end up writing a tonn on these and then doubt if people are actually going to take the time to read the whole thing, but whatevs. One of the reasons I try and write so detailed on here is so that I can look back on this later. I am hoping between my written journal and my blog that I don't miss anythingg.

As always, you're all missed and I hope everything is well!

A demain!

Chelsea: I got your card yesterday. When I opened it, my host brother wanted to read it too, and the little bit you wrote in French from the Lady Marmelade song probably wouldn't have gone down well if he'd have seen that, so I just showed him the front! Lol! Thanks for congratulating me on my new baby though xDDD I can't wait to see what you come up with next. Make sure the cover stays kind of clean though, in case I have to open it in front of my family again!

Treasure this day, and treasure yourself. Truly neither will ever happen again. -Ray Bradbury


  1. sounds like you are having a great time!
    lucky you get to see coldplay in another country!! lol

    oh i read the whole thing everytime, just so you know.

    haha about chelseas card.

  2. i read the whole thing every time too hahaha

  3. YAY! YOU GOT MY CARD!!! Does this just mean the front of the card has to stay appropriate or does the whole thing have to be appropriate?? I never did realize how easy it was to send a letter..hmm I think I'm gonna do it more often!

  4. Hey Miranda, It's Marissa. Johnson told us all the address to your blog, and I've now been reading it for a few days. You sound like you're having SO much fun, and I bet you'll be really good at French by the time you get home! I hope that you have a great time!
    Au voir et bon chance!
    P.S. I loved the mention of Je suis chaud! It was a very cool little shoutout!

  5. Well, at least the front. I dont really mind whatever you want on the inside. It kind of made me laugh xD
    I just dont want my host family to go into shock by the mail I am getting from home... lol
