Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Insert Title Here

I'm running out of title ideas! :/

First of all, music last night went alright, I suppose. It kinded reminded me of pep band; it was a very small group and unbalanced. There were 11 players. Of those 11, five (including me) played the flute, two played the alto sax, one on the tenor sax, one french horn, one keyboard player, and one drummer. Most of the people were a lot younger than me. The girl sitting next to me was probably around 12 or 13 years old! Even more embarrassing, they could all play like freaking professionals! I felt so retarded! The music is really challenging and I could hardly play it. Although it wouldn't have mattered if I did because the flute wasn't making any sound! I didn't figure out until about half way through that the cleaning rod was inside the middle piece, and therefore preventing the sound from coming out! Ha ha! I took that out just in time to tune. Thank God! That would have been really embarrassing to have to try and tune in front of everyone and have no noise come outt!

After "band," my host mom had a meeting that would go pretty late. She told me that I could go to bed before she got home if I wanted. I was planning on doing so right after eating, because I was exhauuusted, but Pierre told me he was scared to sit downstairs alone at night. I trieddd to convince him it would be okay and I told him I was really tired and needed to get up early tomorrow, but no; he pleaded for me to stay downstairs until my host mom got home. Sooo I sat on the sofa and watched cartoons and tv shows and eventually took a nap. Ha ha. My host mom got home around 10:30, so I was finally able to go up to bed.

This morning I woke up early, just like in Fargo. My alarm went off just before 6, and I got out of bed around 6:20. At 7:15, Vincent (the son of one of the ladies my host mom works with) came to pick me up and walk me to the bus stop. We only had to wait about 5 minutes in the cold, 20°F (approx.) weather before the school bus arrived. This bus is not the kind of school bus you'd see in the states. It's like a coach bus with big windows and nice seats and everything. It was a pretty nice ride.

First class of the day was Histoire and Geograph, and I HAD A TEST! Well, I didn't HAVE to take it, but I wanted to try. First test down, and it did NOT go well! There were 5 questions, all of which I think I understood. I took my blank sheet of paper and wrote a couple lines for each. Usually it was just one long sentence or a couple short ones. I felt pretty good about my answers, too. They seemed to answer the questions and I felt like my French was written pretty decently, too. The whole thing only took me 15 minutes or so, and this is a two hour class. I didn't know what to do with it, so I just sat there and waited for someone else to finish. Unfortunately as I looked around, everyone else was still writing... and they wrote... and they wrote... some people filled up 3+ pages! I was starting to feel really stupid and almost wanted to not hand my test in at all. I tried to think of something else I could write to add to my answers, but nothing came to me.

Eventually, after about an hour, the teacher came around and collected tests from those who had finished. There was a good chunk of the class that took the entire two hours, though! That was really shocking to me. I don't know how one could write for two full hours on five brief questions! They didn't even seem to ask for one to go into great depth, but evidently that's just assumed. I will have to remember that for now on-- elaborate on everything.

After that was Français. She had us do an assignment where we rewrote the story of Arrias in the present day. We've been talking about this story all week, so I know mainly what it's about. I'm proud to say that I WROTE MY OWN STORY! I did not copy anyone else's work! Although, I did have the girl next to me edit my writing and correct my French mistakes. I still feel pretty good thoughh! I wrote a good half page on that, too.

Following Français was Maths. How I hate that class! All we did today was take notes and do a couple excercises, neither of which I understand. We got this chart handout with the strangest symbols on it! One of them looks like an M with a short first line and a long last line.. I don't really know how to explain it. The second was a sideways and backwards P. If any of you know what these mean, I'd be happy to know.

Last class of the day was Anglais Complementaire. There is a Canadian girl named Sarah who comes every couple weeks and takes half the class, and today I got to go with that group! She speaks English with the same accent and slang as me, so it was nice talking with her. We talked about modern day art and then played Taboo. My team won, just for the record :P

I ate lunch in the "cantine" again with Jeremy and Jeremy and Sabrina. But Sabrina ended up getting lost on the way to the table, so she didn't sit with us. Today we were served pork sandwhiches and FRIES! I also took a piece of cake and pasta salad. It was all super yummy! I even got to eat my fries with ketchup, because they had it on the condiments table!! :) I was pretty excited about that!

After lunch, the three of us hung out for a while in the "teacherless classroom," where I met a couple other girls named Claire and Justine. Claire was reading New Moon!! I got to read a few pages of it, and I reaaally want to go buy it now! I can't wait 'til the next time we go to the store!

Shortly before three, all of us made our way to the theater, because a man who lived in the concentration camps and all that was going to speak to us. I was kind of excited. I remember when David Faber came to Fargo a few years ago, and I really enjoyed his presentation! The other students said this one was really interesting, too, but after he told us how old he was and where he lived, I didn't comprehend more than a couple words here and there. I really wish I would have, though! It didn't help that he talked insanely quiet. I swear the man without the microphone talked louder than he did with the microphone!!

When school ended, I went home with my host mom and then tried to get on the computer, but the Internet wouldn't connect for me and she had to go to a meeting. I instead went into the other room with Pierre and watched some TV. When the show he was watching ended, we went into his room and started planning his birthday party. It isn't until May, but this kid is really excited, let me tell you! He's got it all planned out up in his head. I didn't really understand a lot, but I know that I am going to be the photographer along with Elise, and we are to take lots and lots of pictures. He drew diagrams of where we would be standing when everyone else was doing other things.. ha ha. That will be quite the event.

To answer your guys' comments:
-Yes Valentines's Day is a bigg thing here, but only for you and your significant other. It's not like in America where kids hand out Valentines to everyone in their class or whatever. Ha ha! Everyone keeps asking me who I am going to give a Valentine to. To answer that, I have no idea. I probably won't give one out.

-I don't have my neon camis with me, otherwise I totally would! Ha ha ha! That would be great! I don't feel like people are really as into fashion as I was expecting. I think that it's probably only really a big deal in Paris and large cities. Here it seems to be kind of whatever, as long as it's dark in color.

-I took some pictures of my school today, finally, and I will try and get those up sometime soonish.

I thinkk that was all...
I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Sorry! No quote today! My book is upstairs and I'm too lazy to run and get it! Ha ha! I appologize!


  1. If you come home saying maths I will be super annoyed lol.

    You'll still get a valentines card! I got you a kissogram and put kissies allll over it for you:D and two dodgey paw prints. lol couldnt help it I had to tell! It'll be late tho I got it on tues and am sending it tom. oops:S

  2. Haha, thats alright! That's great thoughh, thanks!
    and fyi: It is not pernounced "mathss"
    it's pernounced "mat"
