Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Early, Not Much To Say

I posted rather late in the evening yesterday, so there isn't much to say about that, either! Althoughh I should tell you that I watched one of those FBI TV shows after supper last night, and for the first time, I was able to follow it the whole way through. Granted, I didn't understand every word spoken, but I knew what was going on & that's quite a step forward for me! I'm also starting to find it getting difficult to write entirely in English on here. I keep wanting to throw in French words & phrases. One time, I'm probably going to try writing this entirely in French. That will be a ways down the road yet, but I can see it happening. Those of you who don't understand it can feel free to translate it with the box on your left.

Moving on, though. Aroma therapy is seriously one of my favorite things in life. This morning, I woke up with a really, really sore throat, so I rubbed some 'aroma therapy for cold and flu' on it, and it's almost all better :D! I also can't believe how stupid I was for not bringing any cough drops! I packed pretty much every other kind of medication you can imagine, but no cough drops! That just makes me a million times more grateful for the aroma therapy. :)

Today I'm not going to be home much (thus the early post). In about a half hour or so, my host mom is taking me to the store to get my phone recharged up because I received a text that says I'm runnin' low. Pierre also told me that we're going shopping for anything else I want to buy. To be honest, I'm really not in a shopping mood. Even though I feel like I have very little to wear, I'll probably just get Rica her alarm clock and then my Twilight book and be done. I've got to be in the mood to run around and try clothes on and all that, and I just haven't been. I don't even really know what stores are good, so that doesn't help either. Awh well. I will just keep working with what I've got.

This afternoon, we are going over to Thomas's house to babysit Romane, Lou-Marie, and Lilian. I don't know how late we'll be out, but it sounds like most of the rest of the day. It should be fun, though. Those kids are adorable.
If I do get a chance, I'll edit with anything interesting that takes place, otherwise I'll talk to you again tomorrow!

Bon Journée!

Time does not change us. It just unfolds us. -Max Frisch

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