Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Alone

Yesterday after I left off, I went on a walk with Pierre-Alexandre. The ground was insanely wet and my socks got soaked! It snowed about an inch or so (i thinkk) yesterday morning, and it was right around 32 degrees F, so the snow was pretty slushy. Pierre introduced me to a couple ladies, one who invited us in. I talked to her a little, and then we left and Pierre took me to the Mairie (or town hall) where my host mother was working. She showed me her office and introduced me to two other guys in there. There was a picture hanging on the wall at the end of the table in the confrence room, and I was proud of myself for recognizing the man as Sarkozy. Pierre then showed me the library, which is located on the second floor (or first if you don't count the main floor) of the Mairie. After that, we went back to the house and I had a glass of orange juice. Now normally, I'm nottt a juice person, as most of you know, but the orange juice here is soo good! I don't think it's from concentrate or anything like the stuff we have in the States, so it's just pure orange juice.

Pierre and I watched some cartoons on TV that he likes, and then at around 5:30, Thomas (my other older host brother) came over to visit with his three kids. Romane is 7, and then there are two younger ones, who I thinkkkk might be fraternal twins? I don't remember the word for that, so I can't be sure, but they looked pretty similar. One is a boy named Lilion and the other is a girl who's name I don't remember. Marie-Françoise came home a little later, followed by Thomas's wife. Romane colored me a picture of "La foret enchanté" which i thought was pretty cool. I gave her a picture I colored of two clownfish and a yellow tang in the ocean, in return! :P

Once they left, Mme Montel made none other than CREPES for dinner! :D I had two; one with just Nutella on it and the other with ham, cheese, and some kind of sauce that they insisted was like mayonnaise (although didn't taste anything like it to me)! They were sooo good! :) We ate them in front of the TV, and Mme Montel turned the channel to CNN for me, because she knew I couldn't understand much of the show they were watching. I learned that the Steelers won the superbowl and that it snowed a lottt in London. Then I let them change the channel to something they could understand.

After dinner, Pierre went to go take a bath. I waited for my turn down in the living room with my host mom. She flipped through the pictures in the Obama book I gave her about 5 or 6 times. She told me she likes Obama and I agreed with her. Then she asked my opinion on Bush and I replied negatively, ha ha. She agreed with me, and then told me that she doesn't favor Sarkozy much either. Like Americans, the French also like Oreos!! We opened up the package that I brought and ate a bunch. Once Pierre got out of the bathroom, I got in there and took a shower before heading off to bed.

Today I got up at 8 because I was supposed to go to the school and sign up for classes. Unfortunately my host mom called the school and they changed it to tomorrow at 3. I'm not sure if I will be starting class tomorrow afternoon or Thursday, so I suppose we'll just see. That leaves me home alone for the time being. Pierre is off at his classes or where ever it is that he goes, and my host mom is at the Mairie again, working. She told me she'd be home around 11 for lunch, and it is currently about 10.

I've decided that the only two things I don't much like about this house are 1)the only bathroom with a toilet is on the main floor, which is two floors below my bedroom and 2)the stairs are SOOOO narrow! I swear I'm just waiting to take a tumble. My foot has to go at an angle to fit on them--and you know how small my feet are! Going up isn't so bad, but going down is awfully scary. I have to go pretty slowly to make sure I don't lose my footing. And just to make things more interesting, I'm on the second floor, so that leaves me with two flights of stairs to go up each time I need to get to my room. Overall though, I really do like this house. My room is amazinggg. It's nice and big and CLEAN. Ha ha! I also really like the things in it. I have a nice big, comfy bed and a cool shelving system, as well as a desk, chair, and armoire-ish thing for my clothes. I took some pictures of it, so when I figure out how, I'll hook my camera up to this computer and add a few.

I don't really have much else to say. I answered all your previous questions with a comment under the previous post. I figured that might be the easiest way to do it. I'm not really sure what activities today holds, but I will be sure to let you know tomorrow!

One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. -Henry Miller


  1. you really have to stop saying I think it ruins it lol. I hope your having more fun than i am in management..

  2. haha when i was reading the stairs thing before i saw that you wrote "you know how small my feet are" or whatever in my head i was like and your feet are minified, i cant imagine trying to run up or down those stairs!! haha, it also reminded me of madame telling us about the stairs though. lol.

    send me some crepes though!
    (: jk again.


  3. oh yeah, check out my other comment too!

  4. I LOVE READING ABOUT YOUR TRIP! (I'm so jelious of the crepes, too!)

  5. Duuuude, you need to figure out how to get the pictures on the computer, and then take lots of them!

    I'll be reading your blog :D

  6. Haha, rica :P I did. Yes I do have access to a CD player, but CDs are "zoned" so it might not work here :/

    Thanks Laurel, and Christine :) I'm working on the picture thing.. lol

  7. Ohhh and I will def. get you a digital clock, but the anologue clocks only go through 12 so I don't think you're still going to want one..

  8. you are so brave i dont have courage to do that with out communication. i love reading your blog. good luck and dont get down your brave and all of us back here in classe de francais miss you!!! HAVE FUN
    -french student at south
