Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Friday, April 3, 2009

100 Days To Go

& they are going to go by way too fast!

This morning I got up kind of late. I'm not really a morning person here anymore. When I wake up, I don't jump out of bed and start getting ready right away, just because I get to go to school again. That's kind of worn off. Don't get me wrong or anything, I still looove being at school here, but the excitement has faded a bit. It's turned into just a normal part of my day.

At school I had Latin first hour. I got to the hallway outside the room a little earlier than normal, so I talked with Florian, Claire, and Justine. When the teacher arrived, we went into the room and that began my hour of complete incomprehension. lol. Every day in Latin is like my first day at school all over again; I don't understand a thing. I didn't even bother to bring my Latin notebook today, since I've only written, like, three pages in it the whole time. Most of that isn't even Latin; it's drawings. haha. Instead, I got out my math homework that was due yesterday and worked on that a little (with the help of the answer sheet ;D)! I got bored of that pretty fast, though, so I went back to doodling.

After Latin, Justine and I went up to the 6th floor for French. Once again, we talked about Manon Lescaut. We started another outline thing for an "Orale" on the third extract. I worked with Sabrina and Camille since Marion (the girl next to me) was catching up on some of the things she missed yesterday. We did not get a whole lot done. I don't think anyone did, though. Hah. There wasn't really a whole lot of time to work after we finished taking notes, so we'll probably continue that next week.

Once French was over at 10, I was done with class until Parcours at 4. Sabrina and I went to the CDI. I finished up my math and then finished up my letter I started writing Valerie earlier this week :D! Then Sabrina signed me on a computer and I got on facebook a little bit. At noon, I went with Sabrina and Alicia into town. Alicia bought herself lunch, and then we went to sit and talk by the fountain by the church. I brought my yearbook today because Sabrina wanted to see it. We looked at that and I explained the different clubs and homecoming and prom and all that stuff. They thought it was the coolest thing that there was so much to do at school. That is one thing I do kind of miss though. I wish they had clubs or activities for students to join, or school dances! That would be fuuuun :D!

At one o'clock, Sabrina and I returned to school and met up with Marion at the cantine for lunch. Virginie and Laureen joined us a little while later. Ugh. Lunch today was not one of my favorites. First of all, I was going to get some pasta salad stuff, but the girl in front of me finished it offffff! That kind of irritated me, but it was worse when there wasn't any yogurt either, so I was forced to pick something off the salad bar. I tried this veggie salad stuff, but I didn't like it very much, so I didn't eat much of that. I also found a small bone in my fish today, and after that I couldn't get myself to eat anymore of it. Needless to say, I didn't eat much and was still hungry when I left. >.<

After lunch, Virginie and Laureen went to class and Marion, Sabrina & I went back to the CDI. Marion worked on her homework for an hour and Sabrina and I talked about her English Concours project. When Marion had finished, the three of us met back up with Alicia, Virginie, and Laureen. We left the school again and this time we went to a park by Lycée Robespierre (another high school in town). The weather was once again really nice today (although not quite as warm as yesterday). We sat down on a grassy hill and talked, took pictures, and picked daisies :)! There are miniature daisies growing here like dandilions in Fargo. It's so cute! I love daisies :D!

When the hour approached 4:00, we headed back to school for Parcours. Today we were with the teacher I addressed as "tu" again. Hah woops :S! We reviewed Chapter 6 of the geography lesson to prepare for the DS tomorrow. She asked me a couple times if I understood, and when I would reply no, she would reexplain it to me. ha. It was nice, but I was kind of embarrassed for stopping the rest of the class (although I don't think they cared much). During the break, she sat down with me and went through the notes I'd copied during history class. She made a few corrections and then made me tell her what I understood and didn't understand. Then she'd explain the things I didn't know. After the break, she had me read a little box on the review worksheet. I read with an accent (obviously) and she tried to help me fix it by having me read it over and over and repeating the "R" words after her until I got close enough to call it good. haha. I reeeeeeeally exagerated the R the first time I repeated and the whole class laughed. It was pretty funny, though. Sabrina said it sounded like a German accent. haha. After that, a few people around me tried to teach me how to make the R sound. I STILLL CAN'T DO IT! I tried and tried. Then we gave up on that and they started having me say different people's names with my American accent. Hah. That was a little easier :P! Anyways, Parcours ended at 6. I met up with Vincent outside the school and took the bus home with him again.

At home, I reviewed a little more history for tomorrow. I really want to do well on my DS (or at least decent)! Then I ate dinner and got on the computerr :)! I'm gonna hit the sack now, though, because it's getting pretty late and I'm tiiiiired!

à demain!


  1. so, i must have missed it... do you get to take the baccelerate or however you spell it??

  2. Speaking of which, I wrote you a letter ages ago, but the mailing of it has been delayed because of our stupid weather. I shall be sure to do so this week, though!

    And PS-I haven't yet replied to your super long French email because I actually need a moment when I can sit down and be able to write fluently. xD Soon, hopefully!

    I miss you and hope you are well. <333
