Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

81 Days

I got up this morning and started getting ready at around 8:00. Somewhere around 10:00, Pierre, my host mom, and I headed north! Our first stop was at the beach of "la mer du nord" which I am pretty sure means the English Channel. We met up with Simon there, and he showed us the way to their campsite in a town called St. Cécile. He, Claire, Lola, and Marius are camping out there, so we paid them a visit for lunch. After eating, they joined Pierre, my host mom, and I at Berck, which was only about an hour away. This week in Berck, there is a huge international kite festival on the beach. We watched the kites from the road for a while, and then I went to meet up with the AFS crew. We had a "meeting" today. I really don't know if I can even call it that, because we basically just got together and talked & played a ball game on the beach. The adults didn't even come with us. Unfortunately, my camera battery died, so I didn't get to take as many pictures as I would have liked, but I got a few of the kites!

Anyway, after playing a tag-like game with the volleyball and talking a ton, we met back up with the adults for snack. The get together was pretty much over, so my host mom and I said goodbye and met back up with the others on the beach. While I was away, Thomas and his family had arrived. Romane was digging a huge hole (trying to get down to the water) and Lola, Lilian, and Lou-Marie were throwing handfulls of sand back in. Romane asked me to help her, so I did, and I got sand thrown all over my hair and down my shirt and pants and everywhereee! Ickk. That was uncomfortable for the ride home! Speaking of which, when the time came to leave (a little before 7), we made our way back to the car and headed out. The kites were almost all taken down for the night, so everyone was leaving at the same time. That caused quite a traffic backup on the road. I noticed a sign that read ARRAS: 91KM soon after getting on the road, and an HOUR later, the traffic started getting better and I saw a sign that read ARRAS: 89KM! That should give you an idea of how slowww we were moving! It was crazy! Like I said, though, about an hour later, the roads started clearing up and we were able to move at a normal speed. When we finally got home, we ate a quick supper and then my host mom & Pierre went to watch TV and I got on the computer. I really would watch TV, except I still can't understand it! I don't know exactly why the TV is so much harder than in person or on the radio, but in order for me to comprehend some, the volume needs to be super loud. That's why I think I'm okay when I go to movies in the theater. I can hear all the syllables and articulation and everything better. I sometimes have Pierre turn up the volume here, but he doesn't like it loud, so whatever. I'm not a big TV show person anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

Tomorrow should be pretty relaxed. I get to sleep in again, then the only thing planned is shopping in the afternoon. We're going to buy things we need before going south to Perpignan on Sunday.
I'll update you tomorrow!

Oh! I almost forgot! In the car today, I got a really cool idea! Well, it's not really that original or anything, but I decided I'm going to have a French word/phrase of the day at the end of my posts for now on. That way, when I come home and I am speaking franglais like maddd, you might be able to pick up on a couple things! haha.

Today's word: un cerf volent = a kite.

1 comment:

  1. hey i know berck, i often go there, well not exactly in berck but right next to it, at "le crotoy" well if it's the same berck lol!
    oh and btw la mer du nord is the north sea, the english channel would be "la manche" ;)
    oh and also, i heard the weather was going to be awful in the south next week xD
