Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm in a good mood today

And that's really strange considering how tired I am! I had a really strange dream last night that woke me up, and I didn't get a whole lot of sleep after that. I got up just shortly after 5. Since I had the time, I went ahead and straightened my hair again today :)!

My first class was Histoire/Géo, where we continued to discuss World War 1. The first hour was spent taking notes and talking, and for the second hour, we watched a film about fighting in the trenches. I tried to pay attention to what the narrator of the film was saying, but that took too much concentration and I ended up just watching the pictures.

Next was French. I worked with Sabrina and Camille on an outline thing. We got a little off topic and really didn't get a whole lot accomplished. haha, woops. It didn't matter though, because we didn't do anything with this outline. I don't really understand what the point of it was, but whatever.

After French, I had mathh. I didn't feel like copying Sabrina's homework, so I didn't have my homework done today. For some reason, I was in an awesome mood, though. I volunteered to hand out the worksheets to the class. Hah. That didn't go so well. There were 4 worksheets in one pile. I originally tried to sort the different worksheets out, but then my teacher said I should give everyone the first worksheet, then the second, etc. I started doing that, and then came to the middle section and those people already had worksheets! I guess Saloua had been passing the stuff out, too on the other side, so that was confusing! Then I realized there weren't enough of the 4th worksheet. It was a mess. Rafaël told me he could take care of it, so I handed him the remaining stack of crap and sat back down. haha. I couldn't concentrate at all today. Instead, I daydreamed, talked, and ate some Oreos :D! The teacher gave us all of the answers to the homework on those worksheets, so I'll probably copy those down sometime before next week and hand that in. I guess I can still get credit for my homework if I do that!

There was no Anglais Complementaire today, so I went with Sabrina to find Marion in the CDI. She was working on some homework, so Sabrina and I hung around until she was finished with that. At about 12:20, we went to the cantine for lunch! We found Virginie and Laureen at a table, along with Claire and Florien from my Latin class and another guy. Florien and this other guy told me a million stories I don't feel like repeating and then made me tell them some jokes in English. haha. Then they left and it was just Virginie, Laureen, Marion, Sabrina, and I. They ranted about a few of their teachers the rest of the time, but since I didn't recongnize any of them, I kind of tuned that out.

After everyone was done eating, we went outside and sat in the grass! I think it got to the mid 60s today! I don't know exactly, but it was sooo nice! We sat there and talked and took some pictures. A while later, Marion had class and the rest of us went into the CDI. At 3, we decided to leave school and go on a walk. We stopped at a couple stores and Laureen bought some make up. Then we walked to the gare because Virginie needed a bus pass or something like that. It was getting late, though, and Sabrina and I had class at 4, so the two of us walked back to the school.

At 4, we had French again for 2 hours, this time. Surprisingly, the time went by relatively fast! My teacher handed back our thèmes, and the class graded their own. When she gave me mine, she sat down in the chair next to me and asked me what I wanted to do. We went through it and corrected my French mistakes together. Then I asked her if she could grade it because I really wanted to see what I earned. My format was set up muchhh different than everyone else's, so it was hard to grade, but my teacher did as I asked anyway. She gave me a 10/20! To most of you, that probably sounds terrible, but the system here is a little more harsh. 10/20 is pretty average. A lot of people had 12 and 11, so I felt pretty good about my score! :)! After that, we got a THIRD extract from Manon Lescaut! ahhhh! That book is seriously going to take us until the end of the year to get through. I really hope we stop with the third one! We discussed it a little and then class was over, so we'll continue with that tomorrow morning. There's something to look forward to! haha!

After school, I caught the bus home. Vincent rode today, so I talked with him on the way. Pierre was on the computer when I got home, so after eating a snack, I went up to my room and cleaned it up a little bit. Each day my room here starts to look more and more like my room back home. I'm hoping it never gets to be quite as bad as that, though. I want to be able to sleep in my bed, here ;D!

It's time for dinner now, though! We're havin' crêpes tonight :D!
I'll talk to you again tomorrow!

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