Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

88 Days

I went back and finished yesterday's post. I put in three *** where I left off so it would be easier for you to find your place, if you were reading that.

Anyway on with today! I didn't have math today! And I don't have it tomorrow either! Today my theatre teacher got the theatre kids out of class because we had a speaker thing (I'll go into that later), and tomorrow my math teacher won't be there! Yayyy! A whole week without math! :D!

The theatre thing wasn't really a whole lot better, though. A lady came in (the same one who spoke to us a couple weeks ago) and taught us about marionettes. That sounds kind of interesting, but it was so strange! I did not like the activities at all. We started out by getting in a circle and going around, saying our names and making an action. That wasn't too bad. Then, we had to go around again and repeat everyone elses action & say their name before we did our own. That sucked. I made a mistake on the second person, and it did not get better after that. Unfortunately, I was closer to the end than the begining, so I had quite a few people to get through. I had a harder time with everyone's name than their action. People had to keep reminding me, and it was kind of embarrasing. Afterwards I knew almost everyone's name, though! The following activities all had to do with our hands. We had to animate our hand and give it a personality. That was so strange! The first task was to create a scene where your hand took control of itself. We had about 5 minutes to come up with an idea and then she called on people to present their scenes. Thankfully, I did not get called! The second excercise was the same deal, but instead of losing control of our hand, our hand became a character and we performed a scene with it walking around on a table. Once again, I did not get called on. And merci beaucoup! I hadn't the slightest idea what to do. We spent the last 15 minutes looking and playing with a real marionette puppet. It wasn't on strings or anything, but it was interesting to watch people make it walk around and jump and all that.

When the three hours were up, I went out front and waited for my host mom. I found Virginie, Laureen, Marion, and Sabrina right away. Sabrina had my math homework and my math portion of my Bac Blanc (like I mentioned before, FERPA doesn't have any meaning here). I GOT A 9,5 OUT OF 20 ON MY BAC!!!!! That made me super happy! To most of you, that probably sounds terrible, but it's actually almost at the average. I lost most of my points because I didn't show my work. It was simple crap like multiplying single numbers or calculator equasions, so I didn't think we had to, but whatever. It was a half a point for the correct answer at least. After Sabrina and the others left, I found some other people from my class. They had grades like 6, 5.5, 8, and 10, so I am reallyyyy content with my grade!

I talked with Marine, Justine, and a "10th grader" from the school across the street named Anthony. Then my host mom arrived and took me home. After eating lunch, Pierre went to get his hair cut and I got on the computer. He's home now, though, and wants me to help him with something, so I've gotta go.

A Demain!


  1. Woah, you did really well on your BacBlanc! Congratulations! :D

  2. congrats! 9.5 is pretty good for a foreign student ! ! !
