Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Thursday, April 16, 2009

87 Days

Today started out like crap. I get closer and closer to missing my bus every day. Thank goodness tomorrow is the last day of school before the 2 week vacation so it won't be much longer before I can catch up on sleep! Because I was so tired today, I was crabby all morning. It didn't help that it was really warm in the classrooms, either. Being overly hot and being overly tired are the two things that tick me off the most, and it's pretty bad when the two are combined.

For the full two hours of history this morning, we watched a documentary on World War 1. I managed to stay awake majority of the first hour and kind of paid attention, but by the second hour, I was out. I rested my head on my hands and fell asleep. Haha. I woke up a few times throughout the film, but it was still nice. The down side to that, though, was that in my next class, French, I wasn't really awake yet. Before class, my teacher asked me a question and I responded "Ouais" instead of "Oui" and I guess that's rude; it's like the "tu" and "vous" thing. I didn't catch it until I heard someone else who was in the back say something like "someone needs to tell her that one uses 'oui' and 'vous' with the teacher, not 'ouais' and 'tu!!" I don't know who it was, but they said it in a really rude tone and it really pissed me off. That did nott help my mood much. When class started, we had to write a commentaire on a fable. She gave us the "problematique" and we had to use that to write our commentaire. I was so drowsy and preoccupied with what had taken place at the beginning of class that I couldn't concentrate at all. I didn't even get more than a few sentences of the fable read. By the end of the time period, my paper was still blank. Sabrina was chosen to present her commentaire in front of the class (this is called "une orale"). Then everyone else handed their papers in, except me (since I didn't do anything).

Thankfully after French, I had a period off. My math teacher wasn't there today, so I went with Sabrina to the CDI. She informed me that we had an orale in Anglais Complementaire today, too, so we reviewed for that a little. I worked on my British accent. I met a girl named Sarah, too, and talked with her for a while. Gaetane was sitting at our table, too, and I heard she's pretty good at "Ch'ti," so I had her write down some phrases for me to learn. "Ch'ti" is a type of French accent. It's kind of like a hic accent to us, I suppose. Mainly the older people speak it and the newer generations make fun of it. I don't know a whole lot about it, but that's my understanding. I'm going to try and learn a little bit, if I can. haha.

I had Anglais Complementaire at noon. By this time, my mood had improved a bit and I was a little more awake. After Kozimor asked a few people how they were feeling and why they were feeling the way they felt, we started our oral examination. He handed out a cartoon and a worksheet with questions on it. We were to interpret the cartoon and talk a little about it. This oral was a relief compared to the French one. I actually succeeded in answering everything fairly thouroughly. Saloua was the lucky person chosen to present. After she was finished, class was pretty much over. I checked my phone since someone had messaged me during class. It was Marine telling me that Hillary was in front of the school! I told Sabrina that before lunch we had to go out and say "Hi." We went to look for them, but Hillary had already left. We went back into the school and met up with Marion at the cantine.

Lunch today was not fabulous. It reminded me of Lunchrun C the Friday before Christmas vacation back at South High; there was nothinggg to eat! There were 2 yogurts left and the people in front of me took those. I got one of the last desserts, and the entrée bar was pretty picked over as well. What really disappointed me, though, was when I got my main dish. They were serving fries with either chicken nuggets or fish in a sauce. I was really looking forward to the chicken nuggets, but the person JUST in front of me got the last onessssss! Ughh! I had to settle with fish. It wasn't bad or anything, but I haven't eaten a chicken nugget in foreverrr! That really irritated me!

After lunch, things got better. Sabrina and I went into town to buy the school supplies I found on Tuesday. However, as we were walking into the downtown area, we came across Marine and Jeremy. Marine told me that Hillary was with one of her friends and I was to call her cell phone if I got the chance. I did so right away and Hillary was at the Befroi with her class. We had five minutes before they left, so Sabrina and I booked it on over! I got there and couldn't find her anywhere. I was standing in the middle of the crowd looking for her when she came up behind me and grabbed me! I let out a louddd scream! haha! She introduced me to some of her friends and I introduced her to Sabrina. Then I talked to her history teacher a little. He was pretty chill and gave Sabrina and I permission to tag along with the class until we had to go back to class. We walked around the Petit Place and then the Grand Place and through the fair and then continued down another street. There is another girl in Hillary's school who's from Argentina. She's been here since August and her accent is so good that Sabrina actually thought she was French. She said she had almost a perfect southern French accent. I don't remember her name, but she was at the AFS reunion in Feburary and will be at the next one which is actually just next week Wednesday. Hillary won't be there, though, because she is going to the Czeck Republic to see her best friend who is on an exchange program there. Hillary and I talked mainly in French, not only so the others could follow the conversation, but also because it felt more natural. Toward the end, we did speak for about ten minutes or so in English, but that's all, I promise. Ten minutes out of an hour and a half is pretty good in my opinion.

At four, we had French, so a little beforehand, we said goodbye to Hillary and the Argentina girl (I forgot her name :S) and headed back to the school. This French period was two hours long and we spent it writing another commentaire. This time there was not an oral afterwards; it was just a written commentaire. The text was an extract from Manon Lescaut (imagine that!) and I was awake enough by now to do some work. I think I did a fairly decent job, too. I had the front and back of one sheet and half of a second sheet filled up. It wasn't just BS either! I had to read the text a few times (and have Sabrina explain a little) before I understood it, but I eventually found a problematique and got an outline down. After that, most of the work had been done and I could write my commentaire without much problem. My conclusion was really sucky, but other than that, my paper went well (for me, at least)!

After school, I took the bus home. My ipod battery was dead, so I spent the ten minute ride in silence. When I got home, things went like normal; I ate a snack and then got on the computer. Now I'm going to get off and chill with Pierre.

à demain!


  1. so who's this hillary? is she from the states?
    funny story with the cafeteria ^^ you shouldnt care, chicken nuggets arent that good here ;)

  2. i believe the term is "hick" xDDD

  3. Lol, Val.

    And hey, do you have an adapter for your plug ins? I got one and I am wondering if just one will work for everything.
