Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Thursday, April 23, 2009

80 Days

I have tan linesss! I didn't notice until last night, but I got a little sun at the beach yesterday! woooh! Unfortunately, I'm still pretty white. haha. That will hopefully change next week, though!

Anyway, today I slept in a while. Then when I did finally get up, I took my time getting ready. Pierre and I hung out for a while, then Pierre-Antoine and Antoine stopped by to get the key from my host mom to the city warehouse. Pierre and I went with them to the warehouse to see the giant. I think I already explained this, but at some point in May, the giant will come out and there will be a little festival thing and whatnot. I'm not exactly sure what all goes on, but I will let you know when the day comes. Anyway, back on topic, we went to the warehouse and the giant's neck was broken. haha. They ended up pulling his head off and Antoine put it in his trunk. They're going to fix it up and then bring it back and reattach the head at a later time.

Pierre and I returned home and I read one whole page of my book (made a lot of progress there, huh? :P)! haha. I honestly am not motivated enough to read this thing. It's way longer than Manon Lescaut and I just don't feel like it! I know I'm not going to finish it and I don't really care how far I get. Besides, I would rather spend my time doing other things. When I have downtime, I normally plan on reading, but end up doing some pages in my French workbook or listening to music instead. I don't care about some smelly town and some insane mother. The French curiculum is no more exciting than the English one in Fargo. All the literature is so dry. ugh. It makes me not want to read more than it gets me interested in reading. haha. But I'll be done ranting, now. At around 6, my host mom and I went over to Thomas's house to watch the kids. Romane just got Zoo Tycoon and was busy on the computer the whole time. I played with her a little, but Lou-Marie had a tonn of energy and was insistant on tickling me. I got her pretty good, though, and then she was even more wound up! haha. Anne and Thomas weren't gone long, and when the returned, my host mom and I returned home. We ate supper in front of the TV because Desperate Housewives was on (and we can't miss an episode of that!). Then I got on the computerr.

Tomorrow I don't think we have any plans. I'll let you know what happens.

au revoirr!

French Word of the Day: une(?) poussette = a stroller

1 comment:

  1. yes une poussette
    oh and i've been wanting to tell you but it still felt weird since its the title of a book and i don't see how you'd make a mistake, but it should be "le parfum" ;)
    haha desperate housewives rocks =D
