Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

95 Days.

Today wasn't really anything special. It started with math at 9 this morning. The lesson was actually really simple and I was able to do the work on the board without any problem! That's definitely a first! haha! After class, Marine handed in her homework from last week (since she was absent) and I slipped mine in there, too. I hope he doesn't notice and corrects it anyways. If not, oh well I guess. It's not like it was that hard to copy the answers off the answer sheet.. haha.

I had two hours of theatre starting at 10. The theatre itself was occupied by someone else, so our class was held in a room I'd never been in before in the front building. This room was fairly large with a nice sized window overlooking the front of the school. There were lots of chairs and a projector screen was pulled down in the front. It looked to me like a staff meeting room. But anyway, I spent the beginning of class watching Alice and Wendie rehearse their scene. After they'd gone through it a coupld times, we went to track down my teacher to get the book with my scene. There is a professional comedian who comes in and works with us on Wednesdays, so my teacher sometimes leaves the class for a while. We seriously spent a good half hour trying to find her. Once we did, she told us Morgan had the book. She said Morgan was in the CDI, and after we found her, we should bring the book to her in the staff room and she'd make us photocopies of the text. Alice, Wendie, and I went to the CDI as directed and looked for Morgan. There are a tonn of "work rooms" to look in, and we could nottt find her! I think it took about 10 minutes before we opened the last door and found Morgan inside. After we finally got the book, we took it to the staff lounge back in the front building. My math teacher was in there (yipee.) and he told us he hadn't seen our teacher. That sent us running around some more. We looked and looked (and spent a long time running between buildings in the rain) and eventually we gave up and went back to the classroom. Alice, Wendie, and I talked for a little while and FINALLY our teacher came in. We gave her the book and she made us the copies. By the time we were finished dividing up the monologue into two parts, Alice and I only had a half hour to read through it. That was plenty of time in my book, though. I was ready to get out of there.

My host mom came and picked me up after school. When I got home, I ate lunch and then watched "Fargo" with Pierre. I dunno why everyone likes that movie so much! I thought it was really dumbb! Anyway, after that, Pierre went to the Kiné and I went up to my room to review a little for the Bac Blanc tomorrow. I didn't accomplish a whole lot, though. Instead, I spent my time looking through my old pictures on my camera and listening to my ipod. Lol, very productive. That's going to get me a good score on my test tomorrow, for sure :P!

After Pierre came home, I went downstairs and had a snack with him. Then Nathan and his mom arrived to take me to music. I was too tired to put a whole lot of effort into that today. I basically sat there and played half asleep.

When I got home, Pierre was getting ready to leave for dance. I got a little computer time in while he was gone, and then went with my host mom to go pick him up. We just finished eating, and I didn't write my blog last time I got on, so I thought I'd do that quick before I go to bed.
Wish me luck on the Bac Blanc tomorroww!

Oh, and yes, Zach, the Pokémon cards were in that package. I gave them to my host brother and he was really excited. He told me to tell you that you are "très sympa!" and "Merci beaucoup !" I'm also supposed to give you a big "la bise" when I get home, so be expecting that ;D!

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