Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Friday, April 17, 2009

86 Days

This morning, I got up a little bit earlier than yesterday, but moved much slower, so the bus was already at the bus stop when I arrived. Just as we pulled away, Justine called me and told me we didn't have Latin this morning. She was going tell me yesterday afternoon (since I don't go to Latin Thursdays), but she forgot. It was kind of bad timing, but it was nice news to get all the same. A Latin-less day is a good day :P! I passed my off hour with Marion and Sabrina in the CDI. Then I had Frenchh. We got assigned a book to buy & read over the vacation called, "La Parfum" and we also have another assignment. I forgot what the term is, but we have to find TEN different exerpts from different novels that follow a theme which relates to Manon Lescaut. She gave us some examples of things to chose from, and I chose to look for excerpts from novels where someone retells a love story. We have to basically introduce each excerpt (author, dates, novel). Then we copy/paste the excerpt onto a Word document and star the words we don't know and then define them at the bottom (that could get a little lengthy xD). Finally, we chose one adjective to describe the hero(?) and explain why it fits. That sounds like a fun way to spend vacation, eh?

After French, I had another hour off before English. We went to the CDI and I had Sabrina explain how the French paper worked (since I was a little confused). She also helped me organize my binder since we are turning them in after the break. Then we basically just talked until the hour was up.

In English, we got our DS back. Not to brag or anything, but I got a 19.5/20! That made me pretty happy :)! We went over the corrections for that, and then had the remaining 15 minutes to talk amongst ourselves. The funeral for the teacher who died earlier this week was this afternoon and my teacher went to that, so she cancelled our afternoon class. That left me without class from noon until 4.

Sabrina and I returned to the CDI after English and found Maxime there. Sabrina saw someone else she knew, so she went to parle with her and I stayed and talked with Maxime. He went through my ipod and criticized a lot of my French music (especially La Marseillaise(sp?) haha)! We got onto the topic of the Main Square Festival and he told me he was for sure going all 3 days. Now that I found someone else who is going, my host mom will let me goooooo :D! I'm excited for that!! I hope there are still tickets available!

At 12:30, Sabrina, her friend (Narine), Maxime, and I went to eat. Today was much better than yesterday. Things were back to normal in the cantine and I actually had some choices. I decided on pasta salad, a chocolate pie, and rice with beef & sauce. Marion showed up a little after 12:45, followed by Laureen and Virginie shortly after 1:00.

At 2:00, Sabrina, Maxime, and I left school. Maxime went home since he didn't have any other classes today, and Sabrina and I went shopping. Finally. I bought a tonnn of stuff. I actually got some clothes! I bought shorts, a skirt, a new belt, a tshirt, and a tanktop! I decided that I really needed that stuff for when I go South next week since I have very few summer clothes. I also got a new bag for school (more like an oversized purse, since thats what nearly everyone uses here), a pencil pouch, and a bunch of new school supplies. I think that's it...? Oh! Wait! I also got myself a French workbook for elementary kids. I figured that would be good practice xD! Anyway, I came back to school with a pretty big load. It was a little awkward carrying all that to class, but whatevs. I just had parcours.

In parcours today, we just worked on our French assignments in the CDI. I found 8 of the 10 extracts I need! I think my foreign author is going to be Edith Wharton, because Ethan Frome works really well for this assignment. The hard part is finding a 15-20 line extract (in English or French!). I found a few quotes that were 5 lines long (at most) on the Internet, but that won't work. I wish I could find a copy of that book somewhere; the school library didn't have it. I might end up screwing that and finding another French author. We will see.

Two hours later, my day was over. I rode the bus home and then ate a snack with Pierre. After that, I hung out with him a bit and then took all my purchases up to my room! I took my things out of my old bag and put them in my new one. I also got my pencil pouch together and put away my new clothes. Then I wrote out a birthday card ;D! Sabrina was going to help me with translate the message inside (since it's pretty long), but that didn't happen and I won't see her again until after the vacation, so I have to do it myself. I can't wait until May to send out the card. Haha, that would be wayyy too late. I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way and look up the words in my dictionary. I honestly haven't had to do that for a long time. When I don't know what something is, I usually just have someone explain it to me using words I do understand.

Anyways, after getting my crap organized, it was supper time. It wasn't until after eating that I got on the computer. That's alright, though, because I can sleep in until noon tomorrowwwww :D! Ahh! I am so very happy about that! The only thing I really dislike about having two weeks of vacation is that you don't see anyone from school. In France, kids can't drive solo until they are 18. Since most everyone I know is 16 or 17, none of them can drive places alone, yet. Everyone also lives far away from each other, so you can't walk either. That said, you really don't spend much time with your classmates outside of school. That is one thing I really dislike. I wish there was an efficient way for young people to get places. There are trains and buses, but for some reason, people only take those to and from school. Parents are the main source of transportation when it comes to recreational activities, and majority of them (or so I've noticed) don't like driving far (which to them is 15+ minutes).

That's really all I've got to say for today. I'll write again tomorrow night, if I get the chance! We're going back to the fair :)!


1 comment:

  1. hey!
    i'm sure you could organize sth in town during the vacation, your friends can for sure take the train and you guys all meet up in some place and spend the day together, thats what we do anyway ;)
    oh and about your bday card, even though it could be a good exercise to look words up in the dictionnary if you want to get it done faster, you just email it to me and i'll translate it for ya ^^
    alright, ttyl
