Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Monday, April 20, 2009

83 Days

Today is the half-way marker. I've been here 83 days and I have 83 left to go! Time has been flying by soo fast! July will be here before I know it. :/!

Anyway, today I feel a lot better. There is a tiny bit of tingling left on my fingers from the "oteille(?)" plant and my muscles in my legs and shoulders are still a little stiff. Other than that, though, I feel pretty good! This afternoon I am going to go to Oranne's house and scrapbook with her. I didn't have any photos printed off, so this morning I went with Oranne and her mom to a kiosk in the store. Oranne and I both printed our photos. I got 20 prints and it only cost me €5! We looked at electronics for the hour while our photos were being processed. I found you an alarm clock, Rica! I would have bought it today except for the fact that Oranne pointed out the pluggg! It's different here, so unless you have a converter, it won't work in the States. Do you still want it?

Anywayss, after receiving our pictures, Oranne's mom dropped me off at home for lunch. I'm going back in about 15 minutes for the scrapbooking part. That should be less demanding than the bike ride, I hope! haha. Hopefully this doesn't come with any surprises.

I'll let you know how it all goes tomorrow.
Bon journée!

1 comment:

  1. oh the plant i think should be "ortis" and yeah it sucks, i hate these, i didnt know about the vinegar stuff but well if it didnt work so much, i just learned not to scratch it or it gets worse ^^
