Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Thursday, May 28, 2009

45 Days

Today was another bad day. I am tired and didn't feel well all day, and that made me really crabby and then homesick, too. I'm so worn out. I really want to miss tomorrow since I've only got an hour of Latin and then French right away in the morning, and in the afternoon I have 2 hours of Parcours (which is the longest class you could ever sit through) at the end of the day. It would be the perfect day to miss, but I already missed Monday and Tuesday, and we don't have anymore DS, so no school on Saturdays. We also have Monday off next week, so I really don't want to miss tomorrow if I don't absolutely have to. And besides, I need to buy Pierre a birthday present since his birthday is on Sunday. I was going to do that today, but no one wanted to go into town with me and I didn't feel like going alone.

I don't remember my day very well since I let it go by in a haze, but I'll try and recall as much as I can for you guys. It started out at 8 with histoire. We talked about Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin and watched a video. The video was actually an English one, but it was dubbed in French, which was insanely annoying when someone would be talking in English and the French person would talk over the top of them. It's really hard because I try to listen to both languages at the same time, and then neither one of them makes sense. lol. I kind of tuned out the video and instead copied Sabrina's math homework. I figured since I had the time and she offered it, I might as well do it. haha. I'm going to have TERRIBLE study habbits next year if this attitude follows me home!

French was next. We talked about nothing of intrest (a couple different extracts from who knows what books). I copied Sabrina's notes at a comfortable pace. It was honestly just something to keep my occupied, because it's not like I'm going to be doing anything with them anymore; there are no more DSs and I can't take the real Bac, so whatever I do is just for me. That hasn't worked very well as a motivator lately. I just do things in class to keep myself busy, and if I don't finish, I don't stress over it. We did get our DSs back from a couple weeks ago today! And guess what! I FINALLY got a grade! I had to write a little message on top asking for one, but I did!! And it made me super happy. I got a 10, which I guess is more than a lot of the other people I talked to. :D!

After French was math. We handed in our DMs and then talked about reflections and translations and all that stuff. He handed out some pictures of examples and that's all we really did.

The last class before lunch was Anglais Complementaire. We started out class with him asking me why I was gone Monday. When I told him I had a 'bronchite,' he replied "Bronchitee?!! That isn't English, is it?!" I said it wasn't, but I couldn't remember if the translation was "walking pnemonia" or "bronchitis." He started babbling about them, but nothing he said really made sense, so I rephrased what I said into a question. He didn't seem to understand, and instead just nodded and said "Yes, so that is no fun." Then with lots of expression and leaning forward in his desk, he goes "I hope you don't die!" The way he said that absolutely stunned me. What a jerrk. Here I am in a foreign country without a single member of my natural family and he talks about this resperatory infection possibly killing me! I dunno how many of you remember, but that was one of those top fears I had when I left; getting seriously sick and/or dying away from home. Now, I know that he was joking and that "bronchite" (whether it happens to be walking pnemonia or bronchitis) is NOT going to kill me, but seriously! UGH! I was so stunned my mouth literally fell open and I just stared at him with one of those "I can't believe you just said that!" faces. That really irritated me. Anyway, after he assured me that he is able to joke, we moved on. We spent the hour listening to an interview in English and filling in the missing words on a worksheet.

Finally it was lunch time. Unfortunately, I overate and got a terrible stomach ache that stuck with me for the rest of the day.

After eating, Virginie, Sabrina, and I went to the CDI. I was hoping to go buy Pierre's birthday present during this time, but neither of the girls would go into town with me, so I sat in the CDI. We didn't even do anything interesting. I spent an hour with Virginie listening to music on my ipod as she wrote down songs/artists that she liked. Then my other hour of free time was spent with Claire(from Latin) at the computer. She's working on a story that she wants to publish eventually. It's already got 22 chapters and seventy-some pages! I tried going on the Internet, but the server was down and I couldn't connect. Claire and I ended up just talking the rest of the time.

I had 2 more hours of French from 4-6. We got our anthologies back, and I was really, really disappointed when I didn't have a note. I spent a freaking weekend+ on that thing, and all she did was write "You were really good to do this project" or something like that. I swear, trying to get notes (grades) on my stuff for History/Geography and French is like trying to get a rock to bleed. I learned I have to write "Donnez-moi un note svp" on top of all the stuff I want grades on. I figured by now it would just be expected and I would be treated like an actual French student, but NOPE! Unfortunately, I learned the trick too late, and there are only, like, two weeks left of school :/

By the time school ended, I was really not feeling well and that put me in a terrible mood. The one day I can't wait until the bus arrives, it comes late. Then I get home and take my meds. I'm allll done with one of them! Unfortunately, the one I finished is the one I don't mind taking. The nasty amoxicilline pills take me up until Saturday morning. Thankfully that isn't too much further away, though! Anyway, afterwards, I was going to go on the computer, but Pierre got really crabby and insisted we work on his birthday party some more. Dude, we've been working on it almost constantly since February, and I cannot WAIT until it is finally over with on Saturday/Sunday! I originally explained to him that I was really tired and wanted to check my emails first, but he started talking to himself in the other room, and he was really upset. That did not help my mood, but I went and played his little game anyway. He could tell I wasn't very happy, then, and after a while, he let me free. lol.

Now it's time to eat, so I'm gonna go.
And Desperate Housewives is on, and I don't want to commit a crime and miss an episode! lol!

à demain

Word of the Day: un morse = a walrus.

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