Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Friday, May 22, 2009

51 Days

I apologize for my laziness the past couple days. I have not been in the blogging mood and even now, I'm forcing myself to write something for you guys.
Wednesday, I spent from 9AM to 9:45PM at the Theatre d'Arras. We had rehearsal all day and from 7:30 to 9:30 was the show. I didn't perform my piece, but I did participate in the Finale at the end with everyone. That went a little different than planned, but I don't feel like trying to explain it all, so we'll have to talk about that when I get home. The day was long, but I ended up getting to know a lot of people in my class much better. Before the show, I got my relaxing aromatherapy stuff out and I am pretty sure that everyone in my class took it. lol. It was kind of funny since everyone was sitting around backstage sniffing their wrists like drug addicts. haha. Afterwards, Annick picked me up and I went to her house for the night. She said she has unlimited international calling, so she insisted I call home. I did, but no one answered, so I just called my mom on her cell phone. We talked for a while and then Annick tried talking to her.. haha. She said she was going to try and talk in English, but instead she just talked really slow in French, hoping my mom would understand. Lol! My mom knows, like, Bonjour, at the most, so I don't think Annick was very successful. haha.

Thursday is going to have to wait, because I've gotta get to class. I'll finish up when I get home, maybe. I'm going to the doctor tonight, so I dunno if I'll have time.. If not, you'll get an update tomorrow.

à bientôt!

UGH!!! I am so dumb!
I just spent an hour typing the rest of this out, but the computer was slow and I restarted it before pasting my post in a Word document, and lost everything. SORRY! I don't have time now because I'm going over to Simon's for a Wii party. :)!
I'll try and redo it tomorrow.

Word of the Day: un bouchon = a traffic jam

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