Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Monday, May 11, 2009

62 Days

Last night, I had thee weirdest dream. I dremt I was on the TGV taking a shower (there aren't even showers on there), and I took too long and when my stop came, I ran off the train and forgot all my luggage and everything but the clothes I was wearing and the towel wrapped around my hair. The train left and I was stuck at the train station with some people from my class. We were supposed to catch another train, but it was running late, so no one was doing much of anything. I told a security guy at the train station that I left my luggage on the train, but I couldn't remember the train number or where I was coming from, so he couldn't do anything to help me. Then my alarm went off and I woke up. That was the first dream I've actually remembered in a longggg time. There was a little more to it than that, but it's too complicated to type out. I don't remember everything perfectly, either, lol.

Anywayyy... I started my week off with one of my favorite classes (LOL) - Anglais Complementaire. We went over our worksheet from last week, and then talked about nothing of intrest. haha.

After that class ended, I had an hour off. I ran into Laureen and Virginie, and they didn't have class either, so they helped me with some of the questions I had on the French project. We didn't finish that, but at the end of the hour, I had theatre, so we had to quit.

In theatre, Alice was back from Sweeden, so we could work on the text together again. Wendie came with us and the three of us went through the text once and then talked about Sweeden. haha. Alice had a great time, but she said she had a hard time understanding the language. Sweedish is a mixture of German, English, French? and some other languages (I don't remember exactly what). I learned a few words from Alice- Hey= hey. Heyo= bye. Caca= cake. To(?)= thank you.

After theatre, I met up with Sabrina and we got our food before finding Laureen, Virginie, and Marion. Marion told us about her experience in Sweeden, and it sounded like she also had a good time.

Since it's a B week, we didn't have Anglish LV1 at 1:30. Sabrina and I went to the CDI instead and she helped me work on my French. Again, we ran out of time before I finished, but she said we could print what I had and write the last little bit in pen. We took my stuff to the color printer, and it took foreverrr, so the librarian told us he'd give it to Sabrina's sister (who was in the library as well) when it was all done printing and she would give it to us during the break between classes. That worked out well, and after sitting through an hour and a half of physical science, I got my papers. All we really did in physical science was go over our Bac and then

°finishing up from where I left off yesterday,

then in science, we did a worksheet. We had English LV1 after that, and since we chose to skip out on DS Saturday, we had to take it today. It was longgg and I don't think anyone finished. I know I didn't! I had the 6 point essay left at the end, so that'll knock me down quite a bit, but I don't really care anyway. When English was over, it was time for French. There was a speaker the whole hour who talked about universities and things to think about and all that. It was kind of interesting, but I was too tired to pay attention the whole time, so I missed quite a bit when I zoned out. Because of the speaker, our teacher told us we could turn in our anthologies later on in the week. Here, they are really laid back with due dates. If you ask for a reasonable amount of extra time (even if you had two or three weeks to do something), the teacher usually gives it to you without punishment. I really like that. That allows you to do a really good job with your stuff, and you don't end up rushing through at the end just to get it done.

After school, I came home to an empty house. Pierre was at dance (they have a performance next week, so he has it a few extra days) and my host mother was at the Mairie. I got on the computer, cranked up my ipod, and chilled out. haha. My host mom came home and I left with her to go pick up Pierre (and that is where I left off yesterday). We came back home, ate dinner, and I worked on some French stuff. Then I went to bed.


Today, after I left off, nothing overly exciting happened. I had French, but we just organized papers and got "complementary texts" that we didn't already have to prepare for the oral. From 5-6, I worked on my math homework with Claire (from Latin). Then I came home, ate a snack, worked on French a little, and then ate supper. Nouvelle Star (like American Idol) is on TV now, so I'm going to watch that!

Your word of the day is on today's post. (:

1 comment:

  1. again you forgot to do the word of the day =( lol
    your dream is funny to read lol
    its actually good to remember dreams, i was told it had to do with your mind fighting with consciousness well thats when you don't remember them so maybe you're entering a peaceful phase ^^
