Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

68 Days

This morning started out with Latin. I didn't even bother to listen in that class and mostly just reviewed the summary my host mom wrote me of Le Parfum. Right after Latin I had French. We had a "reading quiz" over the book. However, it was NOT a quiz! There were 8 questions and they all required in-depth responses. The summary I had hardly helped me at all. After I finished, I waited quietly until class was over.

Next I had two hours of history. Before class started, a lady came in to see if any of us or family members had traveled to Mexico or the United States over the vacation. Luckily, no one in my class had left the continent, so I don't think I've got to worry about catching the pig flu. I don't know how much it's changed, but as of Sunday, there were only 2 cases in France and they're both people who traveled to Mexico, so I'm pretty sure I'm safe. Don't worry :P

When class started, we talked about the Russian Revolution and, no lie, we listened to the Rasputin songgg!! hahaha! It was even in English! My teacher had the French lyrics up on the overhead for everyone to follow along. We took notes majority of the rest of the time. I'm getting a lot better at that. I can catch a few things as she says them, but I fall behind quickly, so I still rely on Kevin's notes. I have gotten a lot faster at writing, too. I don't have to look a million times per sentance anymore and can usually figure out what the illegible words are without having to ask. Class ended with a short video.

Then it was lunchtime. Marion is still in Sweeden (I said Switzerland yesterday, but I guess it's actually Sweeden), and Laureen had some meeting thing at the city hall all day, so it was just Sabrina, Virginie, and I. We talked for a longg time, and then at 2, Virginie had Phy Ed. Sabrina and I went to the CDI so she could work on her French paper and I was going to go on facebook, since I haven't done that for weeks, but IT"S BLOCKEDDD! The school got a filter and it blocks faceboooook! :(! That really makes me mad! I get tons of email notifications that I have wall posts or messages or friend requests and whatnot and I won't be able to see any of that for a longg time, now. Thanks a lot, Gambetta.

Since I couldn't do a whole lot on the computer, I went over to a table with Justine and she helped me with my math homework. She didn't know how to do 2 problems, so I left those blank, but other than that, I finished! That felt good to get that done!

I had French again at 4. Since a bunch of people hadn't finished the quiz, the teacher gave us the class period to finish that up. Those of us who were already done could either work on our material for the Bac Blanc Orale or rewrite our Bac Blanc Français questions and essays without faults. I chose to rewrite my essay since I honestly don't even think I have all the papers for the Orale. I don't know if I want to take that. It's one thing to BS something on paper, but when you have to try and do that in front of someone who's scoring you, it's a little trickier. Like I said, I don't think I have all the materials either. It's over a bunch of scenes from "Phèdre" (along with a million 'complementary texts'), which my class has been talking about since the beginning of the year. If I decide I want to take the Orale, I can get all the photocopies I'm missing from my teacher on Thursday, but I dunno. We'll see. Anyway, I mainly just sat there rereading the text over and over because I honestly had no idea how to respond to the questions. I understood what the question was asking, but I could not comprehend the text well enough to answer it. My teacher told me I should skip that and go right to the essay, and I should also switch from the 'dissertation' to the 'ecrit d'invention' because it would be more interesting for me. I wrote the title and set my paper up, but that was all I had time for before class was over.

My bus doesn't come until 6:08, so I had an hour to hang out with Sabrina and Virginie. We left school and went to the 'librairie' (bookstore), where we read through some fun books and talked. The time went by fast and before we knew it, it was almost 6:00, so we returned to school. My bus came and I went home. I ate a snack and then watched some tv with Pierre before getting online.

Until tomorrow,

A little French for y'all: "faire exprès" = to do (sthg) on purpose ("ne faire pas exprès" = to not do (sthg) on purpose).

1 comment:

  1. l'ecriture d'invention is definitely what you should work on if you wanna take le bac, its from afar the easiest exercise, but therefore its the hum less well marked, i dunno if thats english lol
    lets just say since its the easiest, you dont have methods and stuff, if you wanna a good grade, you need to do a really good job lol ;)
