Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Thursday, May 7, 2009

66 Days

Today was my last day of school for the week! Since tomorrow is D-Day, we don't have school. We were supposed to have DS on Saturday, but everyone was complaining to my English teacher (since that's the subject this week), and she agreed not to give the test.

I had history to start out with for 2 hours. We had a test on the Presidents of the 5th Republic and their dates in office as well as the layout of the French government. I got the president stuff right (since there are only 5 of them. haha) and I filled in the boxes of the different parts of the government alright.. but when it came to the written questions, I don't think I got more than one right. hahaha. We'll have to see how it turns out. After that, we finished up our notes on the Russian revolution and began talking about the crisis in France in the 1930s.

French was next, and all we did was review texts for the Bac Blanc Orale. We were left to work on our own or with a partner or two, so I worked with Sabrina and Marion. I don't really have much else to say about that.

After French I had math! Once we handed in our homework and went over a couple things, we started talking about Algebra! haha! It's like, basic algebra, too, so I felt really smart when I already knew how to do everything!! I'm really excited for this chapter. lol. We had a couple homework problems, and I finished those in Anglais Complementaire, which was my next class.

In Anglais Complementaire, we got another picture and had to answer questions about it. This time, it was a picture of the earth with a "pressure cooker" squeezing it. I had never seen one of those before, but my teacher explained that it's a piece of equipment used to cook meats and veggies and other foods really fast by heating it up and compressing it. I dunno what else to say, but he told me I should buy one and bring it back to the States for my family. haha. I'll have to think about that one....

At one o'clock, I was done with classes for the week! Sabrina and I met up with Virginie and Laureen in the cafeteria and we ate together. Afterwards, we went to the CDI so Sabrina and I could work on our French things. GOOGLE TRANSLATOR = TERRIBLE for any of you cheaters out there. haha. My topic is on novels where someone recollects a love story. I decided to use an extract from Ethan Frome, and since I couldn't get it in French, I translated the page using google translator. I thought I would run it past Sabrina just in case it had a few mistakes, and NOTHING made sense to her. haha. We went through it sentence by sentence and translated it so that it made sense. Three o'clock rolled around, and I was going to go into town to get some things, so I left with Virginie and Laureen. Sabrina chose to stay behind and work on her French. Our first stop was the post office. We had to take a ticket and then wait for a million years. As we were waiting, Virginie bought a cherry coke from the vending machine. I guess that's a new thing in France, because neither of them had ever tasted it before. Like most French people, they opened the can and smelled it before taking a sip. I don't know why, but French people seem to be interested in smelling everything. In physical science, our teacher takes the flask around so everyone can sniff the concoction. The other day at the craft show, the lady passed around all the different bottles of things for us to smell them. I find that kind of amusing. lol. Anywayyy, getting back on track, after I bought my stamps, we went to a store called "Miss Coquines" where Laureen bought a pair of jeans and Virginie got some shoes.

Virginie had to go, so we walked back to the school for her to meet up with her ride. We passed an ATM machine on the way, so I took out some cash so I can buy my Main Square pass over the weekend. We said goodbye to Virginie, and then went back to the CDI to find Sabrina again. She worked at the computer for another half hour, and then we finished up translating the Ethan Frome text. At the end of the hour, we left school again (with Sab this time) and I bought a small binder of page protectors for my French project. Then we went to the Furet and listened to music for a while. Laureen's boyfriend arrived at the train station just before 6, so we walked with her and then Sabrina and I went back to school to catch the bus.

Now I'm at home, and I'm going to get off since I've been on here for a while. I've been trying to find a decent proxy that will let me not only view the facebook homepage, but also long innnn to facebook. If anyone has some suggestions, let me know. Thankss :)!

à demain.

1 comment:

  1. you forgot the word of the day :o
    you should definitely translate coquine lol
    btw, cherry coke is not really new, lol, there is this new kind of course but there was another kind like 6 or 7 years ago, that i actually liked best lol, yeah random stuff
    and funny how ppl do smell stuff, i thought it was just me j/k
    hope you'll find your proxy stuff even though you should ask your host mom ;)
