Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Saturday, May 16, 2009

57 Days

This morning, I was like a walking zombie. I am SO tired. I got myself ready for the day and luckily caught the bus on time. At school, I had 2 hours of DS from 8-10. This week, the subject was history, and the DS had two subjects. You could pick either the Russian Revolution or WW1. I chose the one on WW1. That one had a lot of shortish answer questions over a few documents that followed (and when I say short answer, I don't mean one or two sentences.. it's more like one or two nice sized paragraphs!). The other subject was entirely essay, and I really don't know enough about the Russian Revolution to write an essay.. lol. I understood majority of what I read (or I think I did), and I was able to write a nice amount for each of the 6 questions. I think I should get a decent grade, at least for me. The last question really confusing, though. I didn't really understand what a "synthèse" was, so I just wrote a little summary over everything. It wasn't very long, but my sentences were nicely written.

Anyway, after school, I hung out with a bunch of different people from my class and waited for my host mom. When she picked me up, we came home and I helped Pierre with his birthday party planning. Then we ate lunch and Pierre got ready for dance. I went with to drop him off, but when we got there, he realized he'd made a mistake. He didn't have dance rehearsal today! We went back home and he changed before we went to a sports store. Pierre got some new dance clothes. Now I'm back home chillin' out. Tonight we're going to a band concert in Mt. St. Vaast (which is a town nearby). It's not the group I play with, but Vincent is in this one, and since my host mom and his mom are like, BFFS, we're going to go watch him. It should be fun, though. :)!

I'll talk to y'all tomorrow,

Word of the Day: Garer (garray)= to park

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