Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Friday, May 15, 2009

58 Days

Latin was my first class today, and, like normal, I didn't do anything. The class was really small today. There were only about 10 people there. The Première ES and S classes were both on field trips; the ES was at the beach for science, and the S was in Paris for something. Then there are Terminale kids who are also in German, and that overlaps with Latin on Fridays, so they go to that instead. I noticed today, though, that there is a kid who really closely resembles Robert Pattinson. I've never paid a whole lot of attention to many of the other people in that class, before. Usually I just sleep or doodle or write crap in my notebook.

Anyway, after that, we had French. Again, we spent our time preparing for the oral. We went over sample questions for each text and discussed that some.

Then we had an hour off. Sabrina and I went to the library to do some research on all the authors of all the texts that we have. Luckily, I don't have that many since I arrived in February, so I only have to memorize a short biography of 6 authors. Honestly, I still think that is going to be a lot of work, but everyone else has even more. I don't know exactly how many, but there were 6 in 3 and a half months, so there have gotta be quite a few.

When our hour was up, we went to English. All we did was finish going over the questions from the story we started last time.

Then it was lunch time. Today, it was just Sabrina and I since everyone else was out of town. After we finished eating, we went back to the CDI unitl it was one o'clock on the hour and we could leave school. Our friend who had been in the CDI came with us (I forgot his name. haha. Woops.). He hadn't eaten yet, so we went to Subway! I unfortunately, was not hungry after having just eaten, so I didn't get my turkey sub. :(. I did get a cookie and a Sprite, though, because if you don't get something, you can't hang around in the restaurant. Valentine and Benjamin were also there. Benjamin spilled his glass of pop, and then Valentine went and spilled hers, too. There was pop EVERYWHERE. They tried cleaning it up with napkins and tissues, but eventually had to go get one of the workers to mop it up. lol.

Our friend had class at 2, so we started back just after 1:30. On the way, we went into Monoprix so I could get a binder of page protectors (i don't know what else to call it) for my French texts. I also got some new effaseurs since my others are all worn out. I'll buy a tonnn of them before I leave, too, because I have never seen one in Fargo, and I do not know how I am going to live without them. It's ingenius. I never have to write in pencil anymore, because pen erases just as easily! I'll demonstrate this wonderful invention for you when I get home. :)!

Anyways, after stopping by the school, Sabrina and I went clothes shopping for the second hour. I found 2 shirts at a store called Promod. I found some really cute white jeans at Pimkie, too, but they were wayy too long. I've had the hardest time ever trying to find the appropriate size jeans. I finally found out my waist size, but I can't find pants with short inseams! They're all way too long and the leg stretches way out past my feet! haha. I'll keep searching, but I'm hoping it will be warm enough soon for me to just look for shorts and skirts and not have to worry about jeans.

At 3, we had English again. This time, we translated part of the story into French. Then we got a worksheet that I still am shocked by. I'm not saying I didn't find it funny, but it would have NEVER passed at a school in the Sates. I'm pretty sure the teacher would be "dans la merde" if they had a worksheet like this in their class. It was full of slang, dirty expressions that we had to unscramble and make into logical phrases. They were things like "to be pissed off" and "this is pure BS! (only not 'BS')" and lost of other ones I'm not going to put on here since I dunno who all reads this exactly.. lol. Then on the bottom was the real shocker.

The title itself would be enough to keep it away from South High: "Why is a beer better than a women? Below are 15 reasons why." We had to fill in the blanks with the puns, and ohhh my god was that dirrty! I'd have to admit that they were pretty good, though. lol. I'm debating whether or not to type them out for you or not.. I think I will, but if you don't want to read them, skip the list.
1. A beer doesn't get jealous when you fancy another beer.
2.When you go to the pub, you know you can always pick up a beer.
3.A beer won't get angry if you come home with beer on your breath.
4.You don't have to wine and dine a beer.
5.If you pour a beer carefully, you'll always get good head.
6.Hangovers go away.
7.When you've finished with a beer, the bottle is still worth a few pence.
8.You don't have to wash a beer before it tastes good.
9.A beer always goes down easily.
10.You can share a beer with your mates.
11.Beer is always wet.
12.You always know you're the first person to pop a beer.
13.A cold beer is still a good beer.
14.You can have more than one beer and not feel guilty about it.
15.You can enjoy a beer all night long.

Okay, those of you who skipped the list can start reading again, and those of you who read it, well, I warned you :P! That was a fun class period. xD!

Today we did not have Parcours, so after English was over, the day was finished. I hung out at school with Sabrina, Gaëtane, and Alicia in one of the empty classrooms for students to chill in. The plan was to focus on the oral and get all my stuff organized and in my new binder of page protectors. Then the second hour, we were going to walk around town again. Well... that didn't go exactly as planned. I did wayyy more talking than working, and I got almost nothing accomplished at all during the first hour. It was really fun, though. Then Gaëtane and Alicia left, and Sabrina's sister came in. We talked some more, but I eventually got my binder all organized. I practiced reading through a couple texts, too, because when I take the oral, I have to read the whole text aloud to the teacher and I'll be graded on it. That's going to hurt me if I don't read through them all a couple times over the weekend.

After school, we went outside and I hung out with Wendie, Alice, Joy, Sabrina, Bryan, and a few other people from my class who were still around. We talked until my bus came. I actually nearly missed it! Thankfully Sabrina saw Vincent get on, so she told me and I had to run a little to catch it before it left. ha. There were only 4 people on the bus after school. lol. I thought that was kind of funny. Usually there are around 10 people or so. I dunno what happened with everyone else. haha.

Anyway, I got home from school and Pierre was already at dance rehearsal. My host mom was home, but she was getting ready to go back to the Mairie to finish up her work for the day. I got on the computer until an hour later, my host mom took me with to go get Pierre. After we got home, I made some photocopies of some of Sabrina's texts I need for the oral and now I'm currently in the process of retyping another one. I can't make a copy since it's hilighted all over, and I can't use that one because the copies in my binder have to be blank and can't have any markings on them.

But I'm going to get back to that and then study my history a little. I have a DS tomorrow over the Russian Revolution and the first World War, and I have a lott of dates to memorize.

à demain!

Word of the Day: du sang (pernounced like 'song')= blood.