Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Saturday, May 23, 2009

50 Days

Fifty days to go. Ugh. I've gotten to the point where I am actually looking forward to the return. I'm not saying I don't like it here, but I'm really ready to leave. I've learned enough French for my satisfaction, and I've successfully integrated myself in the French culture. Now I'm ready to be done. I miss my old family and my old friends and my old school and my old house and my old food and my old life. These next 50 days are not going to go by fast enough. :/

Anyways, I apologize for my idiocity yesterday. I'm not going to rewrite everything, but I'll give you a short summary.
Thursday, I didn't have school because of Ascension. After I got up, Annick and I went to pick up Grandma on the way to a pizzaria in the Grand Place. There, we waited for my host mom and Pierre to arrive. Annick was friends with the workers there, so they were as much apart of our conversations as we were. I ate spaghetti with penne noodles, and that really made me miss Valentino's. haha. The sauce was really similar to the stuff they have, and I haven't eaten that for so long! For dessert, I had crème brulée and peacan ice cream. That was quite delicious as well. At 4 that evening, my host mom, Pierre, and I went to the Casino d'Arras for Pierre's dance performance. That went from 5 til 8, so it was kind of long, but it was really good. We had the French version of McDonalds, aka Quick, for supper.

Yesterday, thanks to the Oral Blanc, I only had 2 hours of actual class. They were both English LV1, too, so it really was a good day! lol! My teacher has also started getting my name right; she no longer calls me Melinda. The first class started at 11. About a third of the class didn't show up (since we had almost no school), so all we did was finish up the worksheet we started Monday. After that, we played a little game. I'm too lazy to go into details on that, sorry.

For the first hour of break, Sabrina and I just went to the CDI and talked. At one, we met up with the others and had lunch. Then Marion, Sabrina, and I went back to the CDI. I went on the computer while the others studied. From 3-4, Sabrina and I had our second English class. We did another short worksheet and then played Pictionary.

From 4-6, Sabrina and I went out into town. We bought a big bottle of Orangina Indien (orangina with grenodine) and shared that. Then we went to Promod and I bought 2 tank tops. :)! We browsed through Pimkie and a toy store, too, but didn't find anything else. We spent a while sitting on the bench in front of the Theatre d'Arras, and then started walking back towards the school. I bought an eyelash curler along the way. lol. It was thee hardest thing ever to find one of those! And the one I did find was the last one in stock! Back at school, we talked as I waited for the bus.

Last night, I went over to Vincent and Simon's house for a Wii night. That's going to have to wait, though, because I've gotta go.
Sorry I keep doing this to you!!!


  1. We're ready to have you back in your old life!!!!! I miss you!!! I found the thing I was going to send you... but I think it might be too late now :(

  2. quick is belgian!!!
    (je precise parce que je n'aime pas quick lol, mais c'est bete parce que je préfere la belgique à la france ;)

  3. Your letter shall be on its way. I sent it out a few days ago. I am soooo sorry for the delay. Ugh. I am stupid and procrastinate a lot.

    I get to see you sooooonnnnn! :D :D :D
