Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Sunday, May 24, 2009

49 Days

Ok, I'm really homesick. I am not in the mood to write at all. I'm honestly not in the mood to do anything but freaking sulk around in my room. I haven't let myself do that yet, but damnnn i will have to give in soon. Thankfully, last night I spent the night at Hillary's host family's house in Diéval. We talked from 8 until 1 in the morning, and that helped a lot. Now that I'm back in Roclincourt, though, I can't keep my mind off of home. It is absolutely terrible. Saturday, I followed my host mom around on her errands like a zombie. She called Hillary's family later in the afternoon and they set up the sleepover for us. Unfortunately, Hillary has to leave next Tuesday to take her SAT. She didn't get in to the session in Paris, so she has to go home early so she can take that. So we won't get to have another American night.

Today I slept in til 11, then we got up and took a walk around town. She lives in a town of about 200 people, so it's basically in the country. They have 3 dogs(and puppies on the way), 3 cats, 2 chickens, and 8 horses. After lunch, we called Raenetta and she came over. We hung out in Hillary's room and talked some more, and then went on another short walk before I left this evening. Oh, and btw, I ate pig stomach for supper the other night.. and it was actually not bad. I didn't know what it was before I ate it, thankfully, because I probably would have puked. lol.

I never did go to the doctor, and I don't plan on going tomorrow after school. I told my host mom to cancel the appointment. I feel a lot better, and the fatigue and muscle aches are just because I'm really stressed out right now. Hillary said she had the same symptoms right before she got homesick, too, so I don't think I need to see a doctor. I may need to take a day off from school, though, just because I am REALLY tired and sore. Every muscle in my body has just given out- my neck, back, and shoulders especialy. Nobody has any reason to worry about me, though. This is normal, so don't send me a million emails or lose sleep over me not feeling up to par. Normally, this lasts about 2 weeks, so I should be better before long.

I dunno if I'm going to be writing again for sure tomorrow or not, because I seriously have no motivation whatsoever. Nothing happened to me, I'm just being lazy if I don't write again for a while. I'll talk to y'all again soon, though. If you want to talk, don't hesitate to send me an email. I'll probably get to that before another blog entry.


Phrase of the Day: J'en ai marre! = I'm fed up!

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