Roclincourt / Pas-de-Calais

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

46 Days

I'm feeling better today. And because I'm feeling better physically, my morale is up, too. I'm not quite as homesick as I was the other day. So that's good! At least we're moving in the right direction :)!

Yesterday, I stayed home from school again. This time, I was in my own room at home alone, so I didn't have people talking to me and babying me all day long. It was really nice and I felt really good by the time Pierre and my host mom got home. I read through some of my AFS info that I got in like November or December, and found a thing on culture shock. Dude, I honestly was able to check off nearly every box. ha. The good news is that there are things in there for ways to get through the whole thing faster, so I'm hoping it won't last very long. Like I said, I'm already feeling a lot better today. I read the first half of my first month in my journal, too, and holy crap did I do a good job! I have almost every minute and every thought recorded! I knowww it's gotten worse. I kind of wish I would have kept it consistant and stayed that awesome of a journalist. I still think I do a decent job, but after reading that, it was very obvious that I've been slacking off and have been writing with a lot less detail. I apologize, but it's honestly hard to remember everything that happens and every thought that goes through my head during the day. Especially because they are not necessarily new and exciting anymore. A lot of things happen every single day, and I don't really write about them anymore, because that would get boring to read. So I suppose that's one of the main reasons my journal entries have been getting less detailed.

After spending some more time listening to music and laying around, I got up and got myself ready for the evening. There was a "neighbors party" for everyone in Roclincourt to get to know people better. I guess a lot of people have recently moved into town, so this worked out well. At first, I was kind of a downer and I really hardly talked to anyone. I just watched Simon, Vincent, Jeremy, and some other kid play fooseball. Then I went to sit down and eat with Annick (not my aunt, but the one who works with my host mom) and talked with her, her husband, and a few other people. After that, my host mom brought me over to another table and introduced me to the old mayor and his wife. They had me do a little presentation on Fargo and compare some things to France. That went pretty well, and I had a few easedroppers. They were girls a little older than me, and we ended up talking for the rest of the night. They invited me to a discotheque Saturday night, which honestly, I don't think is really my thing, but since I haven't been to an actual discotheque yet, I figured I'd go along just to see what it's like. I'll let you know how that goes. lol.

Today, I went to school. I had a helluva time getting my ass out of bed, but I made it to school on time just the same. I had math first, and we went over some problems and practiced some crap. We have homework due tomorrow, but I'm really not in the mood, so I'm not going to do it tonight. lol. It's not like it really matters. I have a decent grade in that class, actually. It's above the average by a few points. (Here, the grading scale is a lot different, and I don't feel like explaining it, but my grade in math is pretty decent. I think I have a 12 or a 13, for those of you who understand it.) And since I am not getting any credit for this math, I honestly have no motivation to go spend a few hours on homework. I'm sorry. lol.

After math, I had theatre. We just talked and then Wendie, Alice, and I went to the CDI so they could find a book. I went on the computer a while and then went back to the theatre with them around 11:40. I talked with Mathilde and Jane for the rest of the period. Mathilde is going to the US for the year next school year, so we talked a while about that.

When I got home from school, I cleaned my room. Ohh man did it need cleaning, too! There was crap all over the place. I spent all afternoon on that. I threw everything I no longer need into a corner, and am going to be sending that home sometime within the next month.

Pierre wanted to go over to Arlette's, so we spent from 3-4 at her house playing playmobile and talking. haha. She showed us her baby chicks, too, which were really cute :)! There are 2 light colored ones and 5 grey and black ones. When it was time for her to go pick up Vincent, Pierre and I headed home.

I had music class at 5:30 or so. That was alright. My air support really sucked thanks to the bronchite, and so that made playing a little difficult, but whatever. I made it without passing out! lol.

After I was dropped off, I went back and cleaned my room some more. Then I got sick of that and came downstairs for some computer time. My host mom has a meeting tonight, so she made crêpes for supper before leaving.

I think I caught you guys up. I feel like I've been doing a really bad job lately, so sorry about that. I'll try and get back into the swing of blog writing now and keep you updated daily.

à demain

Expression of the Day: Je parle anglais comme une vache espanol. = literally- I speak English like a Spanish cow. aka: I suck at English.

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